- Chapter 16

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******* Becky's P.o.v.*********
So it's been a few days now since I have woken up and after Mrs.Hanson went to get Austin, he came in running. He jumped onto the hospital bed with me and hugged me for so long. Soon after, he wanted to know what happened... everything from the start so I told him and he grew upset that Carson held me at gun point from the beginning. I told him that he was gone now so I have nothing to worry about..... I lied. I do have something to worry about and it's my baby. Today is my last day here at the hospital and my last day seeing Austin, he's about to leave at the moment because I talked him into going home and getting some actual rest then I would go and see him later. I hate lying to him but it's the only thing I could come up with for now, next thing is I'm never going to see my best friend again.

"Ready to go home and pack up?" Mrs.Hanson asked. I sighed as I look down at my bandaged hands,

"Yes, I am ready to leave this all behind and look forward to my new life."

"Don't look at it that way.. look at it as a new chapter. A new beginning isn't a new life, it just simply means a new chapter. Everything that has happened here in San Antonio is now in your past." She smiles.

"Just keep your head in the present, it will be okay. I promise you I will help you through this."

"Thank you. Let's just leave before I change my mind." I laughed a little and walked out of the room.

As soon as we checked out of the hospital we went straight to the car. On our way back to the house, I began to reminisce about how Austin and I first met. Tears swelled up my eyes as a voice kept repeating in my head ,

You're leaving your bestfriend.

You're leaving the only person who was there for you from the start.

"Are you okay?" Mrs.Hanson asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied as I wiped my tears away.

"You're crying, Rebbeca. That's not fine." She sighed.

"If you don't want to do this then that's fine. We can figure something else out and stay here if that makes you happy." She explained.

"No. I need to leave San Antonio. Austin can never know about my pregnancy and neither can anyone who goes to my school."

"Okay. Do you have anywhere in mind to go to?" She asks.

"I do have somewhere in mind but that is only if it is okay with you and your husband."

"It will be."

****Later that day, Austin's P.o.v.****
I set my alarm on for 5 p.m. and as soon as it went off I jumped up. I can go finally see her, I know she said that she would come see me first but I don't want her to worry about showing up so I got dressed then headed out.

As soon as I got to her house I had seen all the lights out... how strange. Usually they're all on.. she's probably alone asleep. I decided to walk up the steps that lead to her front door and rung the door bell.

No response.

She might be in her room. I ran out back into their yard and climbed up the tree onto the kitchen roof. Next, I jumped onto her small patio next to the sliding door. I tried sliding it open but it wouldn't budge.
So I did what I thought of next,

"Becky, are you there?!" I said knocking on the glass door.

No answer.

I look to the side where her bathroom window was cracked open. Aha! I crawled in and opened the door to find no one here. It was pitch dark.

"Rebbeca!" I whispered loudly.

Why isn't she home? I wondered. I walked into her room and had seen it was still the same how she left it. From the corner of my eye I noticed a big empty space in her closet. I ran over and slid the whole closet open, all her clothes were gone.

***** Rebbeca's P.o.v.*****
Packed and ready to go. We are on our way to the airport... Los Angeles here we come. I looked down at my phone and noticed that Austin was texting and calling me. I'm so sorry, Austin. Deleting his number... I was listening to Wherever you are by 5 Seconds of Summer.

"It will be okay, Rebbeca. Don't you worry about anything." She says.

"I'm so sorry we had to leave your husband behind." I said.

"We left him behind because he was being an ass about this." She explains.

"Does he know we'll be back next year...?" I ask.

"Yes, he knows. Maybe he will shape up by then."

***Austin's P.o.v.***
Where could she have gone to...

"Now who the hell are you?" I heard a raspy voice ask. I jumped and turned around quickly,

"W-who are you?" I asked.

"Boy, I asked you first." The old man said.

"I-I'm Austin Mahone." My voice shook.

"Well I'm Mr.Hanson, what are you doing here and how did you get in?" He asks. Oh shit.

"I'm looking for Rebbeca, do you know where I can see her? Did she go back to the hos-"

"Son, you are not going to find her here anymore. She's long gone on vacation." He says. Vacation?

"Where to? Also why on a vacation she just got ouy of the hospital." I said.

"I'm not allowed to say anything just leave boy. Before I call the cops and have you arrested for breaking in." He threatened.

"Alright, I'll leave." I sigh as I made my way out of the room and to the front door.

I dialed Rebbeca's number as soon as I got into the car,

"Please leave me a message after the beep.... beep."

"Rebbeca. Call me right now and tell me where the fuck you went. What the hell is going on?! Call me or atleast respond to my fucking messages." I took a deep breath and threw my phone in the seat next to mine.

What am I going to do now?




So here it is (: hope you all like it and I'm sorry that it took long. Vote and comment please <3

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