- Chapter 25

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I buckled Audrey in her car seat and Jordyn handed me her diaper bag. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" She says.

"I'm okay, I think I am capable of going to a doctor's appointment on my own with my child." I laugh a bit. She doesn't laugh but looks down at her hands instead.

"Jordyn, what's wrong? I didn't mean to offend you or any-"

"No it's fine. You didn't offend me, I just wanted to tag along just in case if anything happened and you need me. That is all." She interrupts.

"Jordyn. I will be back shortly, okay? You need to let me fly solo today and I am okay with that." I place my hand on her shoulder. 

"Okay. Call me though if anything comes up." She says before she takes a step back.

"I will." I got into the car and threw the diaper bag on the passenger seat. I buckled in and headed out on the empty street.

"It's just you and me today, baby." I look at her through the mirror. I make a left turn and down the steady narrowed street. 

****Austin's P.o.v.****

I decided to go out and skate to the park today. It is nice and sunny out so I must take advantage of it. As I plugged my headphones in I skated across the street but my phone ended up falling from my back pocket and onto the ground. I made sure no cars were passing by and tried to grab it fast, 


I look up and my whole life flashed before my eyes. 

"What the heck is wrong with you?! Did you not see a car coming?" I hear the driver yell, that voice sounds familiar. 

"I didn't see your car! You came out of nowhere!" I yell back. 

"Well, hurry up and get out of the street."  I see through the car clearly now, it's Rebbeca.

"Alright, I'll move." I picked up my phone and skated off.

After I had a bit of fun with my skateboard I sat down to rest up before getting home.

4:05 p.m.

It's not that late maybe I should stay a bit longer.

"Yes, I'm on my way to the house. She's big and healthy." I heard a voice say, I turn and to my surprise it was Becky's. She was looking at the trees as she talked on the phone and beside her was stroller with a baby inside.

I felt something inside of me when my eyes landed on the stroller.

Get up, go talk to her. My subconcious told me.

She moved a bit trying to fit her phone back into her pocket. She breathed in and out slowly closing her eyes, then the baby began to cry.

"Oh no. Audrey can you let me rest for one minute?" she sighed then waited for the baby to stop crying but it didn't.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I moved my board back and forth with my left foot.

"Alright." Becky says getting up from the concrete wall. She bent over reaching for bottle and put it down on the wall. The next thing that happened was she grabbed the baby out of the stroller.

The baby looks only a few months old.

The baby stopped crying as soon as Rebbeca craddled her.

"So that's what you wanted." she giggles. Man, I missed that laugh.

I got up and skated to her.

"Hey. " I said to her. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes,

"Oh, it's you." I let out a big sigh.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked.

"I don't, I'm just not that excited about your existance."

"Wow. Okay." I said.

"Yeah so can you leave?"

"Don't be so negative around you're daughter." I laughed.

She stiffened up and looked away.

"Rebbeca, I'm joking." I said to her.

"Don't you ever mess around like that again, you hear me?!" She snaps.

"Woah. Becky I didn't mean to offend you in any way or make you upset." I threw my arms up in defence.

"Whatever. Can you leave now?" She says to me.

"No." I smile.

"Okay then I'll leave." She pulled the stroller closer to her and put the baby down in it.

"Rebbeca, can you tell me what I did to make you hate me so much? You are my best friend." I stood up in front of her.

"I really don't have the time for this." She says stuffing the bottle into a bag.  

"Why do you have to be so obnoxious when all I am trying to do is find out what I did wrong and set things straight between us. You never listen." I mumbled the last part. 

"I never listen?! I always listened to you! ALWAYS. Maybe this is happening because you are the one who NEVER listens! That probably was the reason we were such great friends because I always listened to you and I was always there to help you when you were in shit. You never really asked me how I felt, you never saw the things I went through being your best friend but yeah.. I'm the horrible one." And with that she walked away with pushing the stroller. 

Go get her! Tell her how you feel! 

"Nope. She is long gone... thanks to me." I told myself. 

*******Rebbeca's P.o.v.*********

Stupid. He doesn't know a thing about all the shit I went through because of him! He is so oblivious about things. I HATE HIM. UGH. I left the stroller next to the car door and pulled the door open,

"Just my luck!" I said looking at the other bottle that was left behind spilling milk all over the car seat. I reached for a towel from the trunk and began to clean, 

"This day just has to be by far the worst one yet." I mumbled. 

After a few minutes of cleaning the seat I turn around,

"Let's pu-" I stopped talking when I had seen no baby in the stroller. 

My heart began to pump so loud that I could hear it ringing in my ears.

"No! No! Where is Audrey?!" I panicked looking around the park. 

"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" I cried. I began to run around the park looking at people and asking questions to see if they had seen her. 


I can't find her. It's been 2 hours. I called Jordyn and my mom, Jordyn took me home while my mom reports her as missing to the police.





//////////A\N\\\\\\\\\\\: Updated. This chapter almost made me cry just thinking about this happening to someone out there it's just so terrible. Please vote and comment your thoughts. <3

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