5. The Waves of Sorrow

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A sadness seeps into my heart.
A coldness breathes into my soul.
A cry is heard across the waves.
A silence fills my standing form.

Speak oh luscious world again,
To bring what once could save,
To hold a constant changing light,
To illuminate the dark cave.

Could ever a world so dark and light
Be by one overcome?
A land so far yet close to heart,
Known by only some.
Tears fill the darkening Valley
From whence below it come,
To send forth in a mighty storm
A wave unheard of by anyone.

You sit alone and here I stand
Waiting across the waves.
The tears they fight!
I can't hold on.
Drowning I know must come.


I've always found that I associate my sadness with water. It calms me and helps me accept my depression rather than becoming stressed and antsy about it. Most times I think about how depressed I am, I can't help but feel self-destructive. I admit though, I'm afraid of drowning in my tears.

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