37. Broken

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A sorrow of depth which you shall never know.
A feeling so off the scales it's impossible to show.
Losing a loved one yet they are still there,
But letting go is too hard I fear.

With every tear comes almighty pain;
It hurts to the point I might go insane.
Why do I bother with this pain that I bare
when I can stop it without having to share?

Just one stab to the heart instead of a cut,
It may hurt a little but not near as much.
Screaming for help through the depths of my soul
Forever doomed to never reach the goal.

I want to be happy, but happy I am not
Depressed doesn't begin to describe my lot
I cry, I sing, I write, I cry again
Nothing seems to help unless I am slain

Please don't touch me, I don't want to feel
Because as always my heart you steal
You can take my hand but it's not the same
My warring heart no one else can tame.

I'll get over it as I always do
But will I stay broken thanks to you?


I always have this issue trying to describe to people how deeply I feel. No one really gets it; they'll never understand how overwhelming every day is. That's ok I guess. I just need to accept that I'm alone in my understanding. It hurts but I'll survive.

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