26. Sold My Soul

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They told me one day I'd be cured,
That this horrific period would be short.
Days passed and so did my hope.
With my raging mind I fought.

Dark encompassed my very being,
I soon lost who I thought I was.
But isn't that what life's about?
Changing, just because.

I don't know who I am.
The purpose I don't see.
I spent each day in pain,
Just wishing, from me, I could flee.

My life has fallen to pieces,
Or maybe it was never whole.
Is it so strange to think,
That maybe I've sold my soul?


Everything always feels horrible, every day is a nightmare brought to life. People always tell me things can get better. I'm not really sure if I believe them. Changes always come in life. Everything keeps moving forward regardless of if you're ready for it.
I have trouble adapting to changes. I try really hard though. Having trouble changing though means while everyone moves forward, I'm left in the dust.
You have no idea how often I wish I could be someone else. How often I look at myself and think, 'who are you?'. I just wish that I wasn't like this.
You can run from others, you can run from situations, but you can't run from yourself. No matter where I go, I take the thing I hate the most with me, me.
Because you can't escape you, it's always better to learn to love and forgive yourself. If you can't stand yourself you'll always be miserable, and so will the people around you. That's what I've learnt from my many years of self-hate. It's much easier said than done though.
Sometimes I just feel that I need help loving myself.

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