21. The Game of Love

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I couldn't help but be happy
When I found that they felt the same.
It seemed it was not long lasting,
As another entered the game.

How could I choose between two
If I was unsure who held my heart?
Maybe it was in both hands.
I did not know where to start.

If there was a way to have both,
Would not you have chosen that way?
What if it involved waiting?
Could you even wait for that day?

What if the years grew longer
And your feelings began to fade?
Was it worth the waiting?
For with time have you dearly paid.

Could not you have found another?
Or walked on a different road?
Spoken to a stranger
And let them carry your load.

Do you think their advice would be different,
Than the thoughts that escaped your head?
Do you think your love would grow stronger,
Or would it have soon been dead?

Pick up your nets and cast farther,
For the fish in your pool are confused.
Give affection to another,
"Cheater!" You might be accused.

But the game did not play fairly,
And no rules were given to abide.
Think outside the box,
Don't take those that come in with the tide.

Understand what you are changing,
And you might understand the game.
For your eyes have now been opened
And they will never be the same.


For me, love is a huge factor in my depression. I have a heavy reliance on others. Feeling like someone isn't meant for me, or no longer loves me really affects my moods negatively.
I also wrote this around my first break up. And despite what it sounds like, no, I was not in love with another person.
I became heavily depressed after I was dumped (Not that I wasn't depressed before that), but this poem here is maybe the most sane I felt during all that time. I kept thinking to myself 'it's ok, you're going to get through this'.

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