27. Why Can't Life Be Perfect?

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I'm reminded constantly,
Of you in each thing I see.
It all plays on repeat;
To stay sane is quite a feat.

I pour out my pain in prayer.
It seems being sad's my flair;
That in seeing what I lack,
I really have a knack.

There will always be some thing,
That makes those warning bells ring.
There will always be some fault,
Some missing Knut of Bolt.

I'll never be satisfied,
Unless I finally died.
For perfection is out of reach.
Help me I beseech.

How do you find peace?
Can you make the thoughts cease?
When will my mind stop telling lies?
Will I ever see blue skies?

Long years, but still no answers.
Many attempts and countless chances.
Yet here I am, depressed,
And forever I'll be stressed.


You know, I feel like everyone goes through something that makes life hard. Surely everyone at some point has felt like there is too much weight on their shoulders. It just sucks because instead of this being just a hitch in the road, depression has been with me for most of my life. Every day for me seems like the climax of everyone else's lives on repeat. People go through huge challenges. Things come and go for others. Depression though is a constant feeling. You always just feel lost or useless. It seems pretty never ending.
I feel like I aspire to perfection a little too much. I can't stand disharmony but life is full of it. How I've survived this long? I have no clue. But if I can do it, so can others.

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