39. True meaning

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Is life more than pain and scars,
Grand houses and countless cars;
Jobs we have to pay the bills
And more to spend on worthless frills?

What is it that gives it worth?
There's no object found on earth,
That could make me want to stay
And live a life of surviving day to day.

But that's the point isn't it?
To the trials we must submit
To learn at last what holds true value
It's the heart, the mind, and our connections I tell you.

So why live alone, yet rich?
Why discard your feelings in a ditch?
Why choose to be an empty shell,
And work and live like you're under a spell?

Well you must know, it's just not worth it
Mindless roaming, I just don't like it.
A life like that has no meaning.
That life is mine and it has me screaming.

The only possession that I crave
The thing I want before I see my grave
Is not money, or some stupid game
It is your love and your care... and I'll give you the same.


My husband is now dating my sister (Of all the betrayals, this is the worst). I'm surprisingly a lot more okay with it than I thought I'd be. I think I'm relieved that I don't need to put so much effort into being anything he could possibly want; It was so draining.
While I can still say I love him, I don't think I could've lived a life where I felt like I had to be someone else in order to keep his attention. I feel sorry for my sister, hopefully she doesn't have to learn what I did the hard way.
A toast to the end of one draining activity which will likely soon be replaced by another.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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