7. Love Letter

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I was lost beneath the waters,
Drowning 'til my lungs did burst;
Trapped inside my minds confines,
For your love I did thirst.
It seemed I would not last for long,
Beneath these waters which held me strong,
Fighting for the sweet gusts of air,
Which I once felt before despair.

I know you found it hard
To bring air down to me;
Trying to save my life,
Which I sadly did not see.
I pushed you away,
Even when you begged to stay.
I let myself drown,
In the thoughts that kept me down.

But then I removed the stick
Which had pierced my emotions.
I began to feel light
And rise above the oceans.
But now that I am here,
I've lost you I do fear;
For since I pushed you away,
Away did you stay.

I'm sorry for it all,
I swear that is not me.
Now that I am safe
So much better can I be.
So please come back.
Help me see the things I lack.
Be by my side,
Please do not run and hide.

I forgive you,
For all that I accused.
I really am sorry,
Let my wrongs be excused.
If you come back to me now
I promise it will be better.
I'll love you 'til the end of time.
Accept this strange but true,
Love letter.


At one point in my life, my husband left me because of my depression. He really couldn't handle everything that was going on, and to be fair, I was being a jerk. However, that was also due to having an implant in my arm to stop me from getting pregnant - Oh boy, did that thing screw up my emotions big time. This poem was written after I got it removed and practically begged him to come back.
I'd like to say we're all happy now... But he's still having trouble dealing with all my negative emotions and he's truly struggling.

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