13. Goodbye

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The tears begin to fall
Through the dread of daily life.
My eyes fill with water;
I fear I won't survive.

The dark's a sanctuary
From this world full of strife.
I guess people wonder
From whence it did derive.

I scratch at the surface
Of a pain I feel inside.
But if I cut it open
You'd be pulled down by its tide.

Do not step closer,
For I want no 'tachment to grow.
Let the darkness take me
Lest the world overflow.

Goodbye I say,
to those my greater friends.
I hope when this is over
I'll see you in the end.


You know, I actually wanted to commit suicide at the time I wrote this. I was trying to make things easier to handle by writing how I felt. I was at school so it's not like I had many other choices. I could have flipped out in front of the whole class but... No thank you. I literally dreaded waking up every day. I hated that people were attached to me, I didn't want to hurt anyone. Honestly, I preferred being alone at this point in my life. Writing things out really helped.

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