31. Move On

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At first I feared death
Always catching my breath
Hoping that I
Would never have to die

But death catches all
And one day I did fall
And soon their treachery
Was all but a memory

My body did lie and rot
In that very spot
I thought that I was doomed
Until a flower bloomed

I may have long been dead
But my soul never fled
I stayed in this place
Scared to embrace

But when the rose began to grow
What beauty it did show
Could grow amidst the bones
That lay on these stones

It turns out from my pain
And the years I cried in vain
Came such great a beauty
That I finally welcomed my duty

At last I will move on
From the place I lay upon
Leave my bones behind
And finally free my mind.


Taking a step back from all the personal stuff, here's a poem that still describes how I feel. While this poem is just a story about a ghost passing on, it really points out that we just need to take things as they come. Bad things happen, we lose our minds sometimes too. It doesn't matter though, because eventually, whether it's in life or death, we need to accept that it happened. There really is a point where things are so far in the past they don't really matter anymore. One day we'll be strong enough to let go of our past pains.

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