8. Mind Wars

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Even when nothing's going on
My mind still rages strong.
A whisper fills the night
And I really just can't fight.

The war within my head
Brings back from the dead,
The past I left behind,
A future I cannot find.

I lean in to hear
The whispers of my fears.
To understand my burdens,
Just look behind the curtains.

The front put on my face,
Covers yet another case
Of hiding on the sideline
And saying that "I am fine".

Read into my words,
But don't read in too far,
For soon you will be lost.
Things aren't as they are.


It seems it does not matter how I'm doing at any particular moment, I can find sadness in anything. I always wished someone would listen to me and care. I always wanted people to question further when I told them I was fine, but I didn't want to go into what was wrong. Above all, I was always too scared of dragging someone else down with me.

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