Chapter 1 - Bad bruises and Bad parent

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New story...lets hope it gets good reads :) thanks for reading guys.


I slowly opened my eyes, still acing all over, shots of pain everywere, bruises on my back, arms and legs. What monster could have done this?

My Step-dad

Ever since mum died, he blamed me and abused me for it. I'm an only child so I get all the beatings. He would go out drinking every night and if his dinner wasn't on the table and if the house wasn't spotless he would beat me for it, he called me names. slag, bitch, hoe, and anything else in he could think of in his drunken state.

I slowly pulled the covers off me and looked around my new room which still had unpacked boxes everywere, we had moved from London to Idaho to get away from the busy traffic and crimes, plus this is were he came from. my so called dad. I'm Jess by the way, I'm 16, in high school, and living a nightmare.

Wincing pain as I pulled myself from out the bed and dragged myself towards the box my clothes were in and pulled out a pair of jeans, a pink shirt and a baggy purple huddy to hide all of my bruises.

Before getting dressed I walked slowly and carefully towards the ensuite bathroom, turning the shower on medium I stripped off my PJ's and got in. I let the hot water run down my battered and bruised body. It stung to much I turned it down, then carefully washing my hair trying not to catch any part of my body on the side of the wall.

Carefully drying off, I put my hair into a loose bun and got dressed, picked up my old phone, school bag and headed down stairs praying that Paul, my 'dad,' had gone to work. He is a business man and travels sometimes. Those are the happiest moments for me, so I get about a week with out a beating because he isn't here.

I peered over the side off the stairs and listened carefully for any noise coming from down stairs. My heart rate picked up whenIi heard him walking down the hallway downstairs. Thinking he was coming upstairs I quickly and quietly went back to my room. When I closed the bedroom door I forced myself not to cry. As I heard him walk past my door he grunted and walked back down stairs. I let out a breath of relief as he slammed the front door and pulled away in his car.

Breathing deeply I opened the bedroom door and headed down stairs to start my first day as the new kid at the new school. Great. Please, feel free to note the sarcasm.

Finishing the bowl of cereal. I washed up and headed out the door to school. I only lived down the street from the school, my house was on the edge of the woods, It was kinda nice. I guess I could go for runs or somthing to get out the house but most importantly, to get away from Paul.

As I got closer to school I could hear the bell go and everyone walking towards the big red building. I stopped in my tracks when I saw someone looking at me. I looked back at him and he had blonde shaggy hair, he was wearing some light jeans, a white fitted V-neck top with an unbuttoned shirt over it, white high tops and a varsity jacket, red and white. woah, he is fine- I cut myself off as I nearly tripped over something, but that moment was amazing.  When he looked at me, I felt my stomach do flips in exitment, I cant fall for some guy I'veve just seen, I've not been with a guy since mum died, with 'dad' and all. Besides, with those looks and his varsity football jacket I'm guessing he's a player, and all the girls around him kinda gave it away too.

I shook my head as if to shake thoughts away and carried on walking to reception to get my timetable.

"Excuse me I'm Jessica Carr, the new student," I smiled politely to the receptionist. she handed me my timetable with out even giving me a second glance.

"Oh...kay," I mumbled with raised eyebrows and carried on walking towards my first class. Maths. Fan-fucking-tastic. Again, please feel free to note the sarcasm here.

I knocked on the door and waitied for someone to say "come in" or something but I heard nothing so I just walked in.

I smiled shyly at the teacher and went to a seat in the back corner with my head down low to hide from any peering eyes.

'"Hey, new girl, you have a name?" I heard a guy talking to me, he was sitting in front of me, but kept my head down not wanting to show my face.

"Oye, bitch, I was talking to you!" he shouted making me jump. I felt him push my shoulder and I winced in pain and pulled backwards away from him. I heard a thud and a shout coming front were the guy was sitting.  I glance up and the blonde guy had, the person who touched me, up by the throat.

"Touch her. Talk to her. Even look at her, and I swear to all that is holy, Nick, I will rip your throat out before you can even shout mummy, got me" he shouted through gritted teeth as the guy quickly nodded. The blonde guy threw him down, looked at me quickly and went to sit back in his seat. That wasnt weird at all. Not being sarcastic or anything.

Second period...


Third period...

Fourth period...


My all time favourite part of the day. Not. Everyone stared. Its annoying.

The last couple periods went pretty quickly. I got my lunch out my bag and headed towards the safe hide out. The libary. Opening the libary door I saw about 5 people either on the computers or reading a book. Head down I walked towards a empty table, put my bag on down and sat on a chair, opening my lunch box.

Something made me jump as I looked up to see a girl, about my age, with dark brown hair, wearing some blue jeans, a light blue top and a white zip up huddy done half way up, half way down. she slammed her bag down on the table and sat next to me with a massive grin on her face.

"Hey, I'm Ashley You must be new. Your name?" she smiled while rummaging in her black and white checkered bag.

"Oh. Uh, hi. I'm Jess, nice to meet you," I mumbled eating my sandwich.

"Don't worry, not all people in this school are complete pricks like Nick. Most of them, but not all. Nick? The person in first period that got slammed agianst the wall by Cory?" she added when she saw my confused face. "Cory doesnt really pay attention to anyone but his friends. You should think your self lucky you got him to stick up for you" she laughed. Wow. Cory? I like it.

"Oh, uh, cool," I replied, not knowing what else to say.

This. Is. AWKWARD! Is she gonna say something or just sit looking at me?

"Dont worry, I  don't bite, I just want to be friendly, I've been the new chick too, and I know how you feel," she smiled, softly.

We sat there all lunch, just talking about ourselves. I didn't mention about Dad though. We mostly talked about her. This girl could talk for minuted without even taking a breath. She was cool though, I like her and I hope I will actually have a friend in this godforsaken place.

The rest of the day went by really quick but I didn't see Cory for the rest of the day.

After I got home I took my stuff upstairs and laid down on the bed for a second before starting dinner. Sleep was becoming overpowering and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

 I was in a peaceful dreamless sleep, for once, when suddenly my eyes shot open as I heard the door slam

Dad's home.



Really hope you like the start of the new book guys :) Thank Bobbie (BlackRose59) for the editing ;)


YellowBigSmile xx<3

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