Chapter 19 - Slashes

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Well, Well, Well. Hope you liked the last cliff hanger! <3

So, Here's the next chapter for you amazing faners, commenters, voters and readers!<3 =]


Jess's P.O.V

My eyes cracked open as the sun beamed through the barred windows; I don’t know how long it's been, 1/2 weeks. I haven't seen Damon in a couple of days, I’m at least grateful for that, I guess.

I pulled myself up on my elbows while I glanced around the same boring old damp cold cell. I sighed knowing I properly will be here for a while, but there is that voice in the back of my head saying that Cory was coming.

‘’alpha mate, I need you’’ I sighed and tilted my head back onto the cold concrete; I felt the sharp small stones dig into my bag, a small whimper escaped my lips as the stones made my t-shirt go deeper into my slashes across my back. I tried to sit up but my energy had been drained as the days went by. Falling back against the floor I closed my eyes and thought about how I could get out.

‘’Jess’’ I heard a familiar voice shout. ‘’Jess’’ the voice shouted again. Right, I’m definitely not hallucinating.  

‘’Hello?’’ I tried to shout back but my voice had come out a mere whisper, I cleared my throat, it felt like I coughed up blades as a small part of blood was spat on the floor.

‘’Hello?’’ I shouted now coming out in a proper shout.

‘’Jess, it’s me, Ashley’’ the voice said coming from a few cells down. Oh my gosh. I had totally forgotten about Ashley being here to, she didn’t deserve this.

‘’Ashley, are you ok, has Damon hurt you, what-‘’ she cut me off.

‘’Jess! Chill, I’m fine, Damon hasn’t beaten me but Jeremy has, you know the guy that has been on guard lately’’ I heard her voice weaken slightly near the end.

‘’Ashley, tell me the truth’’ after a couple of seconds of her not replying I carried on with my question. ‘’Is Jeremey you mate’’

‘’Oh gosh no. he’s an arrogant, disgusting nob, I’d hate to have a mate like that, but no, no Jessie he isn’t my mate’’ she had amusement in her voice causing me to smile, although we were being held against our will, she could still smile.

‘’just asking, do you have any idea how to get out’’

‘’Well, there’s no guards today, strange right, but they have left the keys on the rotten table over there, but I can’t reach so, I could try and cut the bar, there’s a fist size stone in here and its kind of sharp, I cut out and unlock yours’’ she shouted getting a little exited.

I just smiled and pulled myself up with all my might and then stood up and holding onto the bars at the front of the cell to keep me balanced. Before I could say anything, I heard the sharp piercing screeching sound of the sawing bars being cut, the sound made me cringe. I couldn’t help but feel nervous about getting out but getting caught.

‘’Ash?’’ I frowned when I heard the cringe worthy sound coming to a stop. A loud smash echoed through the cells. I squashed my face against the bars it try and see Ash; she came into view as I saw her stagger out of her cell.

‘’ok bud, let’s get out of here’’ she smirked as one hand unlocked the door to my cell as her other hand rubbed the bottom of her back.

‘’Let me see’’ I raised an eyebrow at Ashley, she shuck her head as I forced her to turn around, I pulled up her top slightly, my eyes widened at the red raw back, long black and blue bruises dotted all over her back, blood stained cuts slashed down her sides, I dropped her shirt as she turned to look at me.

I hugged her tight, trying to ignore the agony coming from my slashes.

We let go and smiled at each other, we were finally getting out of here for good. We started heading towards the stairs when my heart stopped, I heard the door open at the top of the stairs, the smell of woods, blood and grass drifted down the stairs and up my nose. This wasn’t a nice smell, but it was familiar. Damon.

….Maybe we weren’t getting out.


Sorry It's so short, but ive been revising, ive got loads of exams coming up so, at least it's still a chapter right?

So! What do you think Jess and Ash should do? :) Please Comment, Vote and Fan. It really does mean a heck of a lot! :)

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YellowBigSmile xx <3

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