Chaoter 25 - The Change

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Ed sheeran always seems to put a smile upon my face, With exams, stress of revising, dad working away, and then my boyfriend broke up with me.....Ed sheeran just gives me that happy feeling :')

Anyway, enough of me! i'll let you get on with the chapter, please comment, vote and fan guys:) i really like this chapter, so hope you like it!!

This is the last chapter... :(




Jessie’s POV

‘’My…Dad’’ I spoke slowly trying to understand that this total stranger werewolf who is trying to say I’m related to him, but not even that, I’m apparently his daughter. Am I the only one who thinks this is daft, it’s impossible, my dad died when I was young, and then my mum met Paul, she died and now Paul is my acting father figure. I scoffed at the thought of even being related to Paul, he makes my skin crawl, he is repulsive, and I don’t know what my mum saw in him.

‘’yes’’ Alpha Jackson said simply. I pulled my hand away from shaking his. Thought out this time, a bold frown was upon my face. I felt Cory’s arm wrap round my waste.

‘’So your my father, as in my birth dad, my real papa, the man who-’’ I got cut off by Alpha Jackson speaking up.

‘’Jessie’’ he spoke with shame as well as embarrassment.

‘’But my dad died when I was little’’ I said trying not to cry about the sad memories.

‘’well I’m living proof that I didn’t’’

‘’So what happened all these years’’ I shouted, forgetting all the sad memories, he had left me in care with a maniac.

‘’Please let me explain’’

I kept quiet, waiting for him to begin.

‘’Well, as you know, I’m a werewolf, and for your mother, she was my mate, she fell pregnant with you’’ he paused waiting my reaction; I kept my face holding no emotion. ‘’I was so excited, I was already head alpha because of my dad was before me. However, a couple of weeks after you were born, I was at alpha meetings while your mother was a home, and there was a fire. When the firemen finally checked it out, there were no bodies. They said your mum died and it was so bad that her body was in ashes so there was no trace. After that, I found three years later that she had got out; she had thought that I was in the office, thinking I was dead, so she ran away. Meeting another person, Paul it think’’ he paused again; I nodded slightly confirming that she was married to Paul.  ‘’She was happily married until she died when you were about 5’’

‘’Why did you leave me, when you knew I was alive all these years’’ I bit my lip fighting back tears.

‘’I couldn’t face you, you look so much like your mother, the reason why I recognised you when you walked in is when your mum was your age, you look just like her’’

Alpha Mate, I Need You (Completed)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara