Chapter 4 - Trusting is Hard

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Hey people, im getting better at this uploading thing :) <3

Enjoy guys :)

(In editing at the moment, so sorry for the heads up)


I looked at her with a blank expression then burst out laughing, I was laughing so hard my eyes started watering, 'Sso yourr saying' more laughing 'your a phahahah a wwerewolf?' 'Wooh...wooh' I dried my eyes from laughing, as I jumped of the bed and started walking towards the door.

'Where you going?' she asked following me.

'I need to get home, Paul is going to go mental anyway, so you know, better get home' I slightly smiled and walked back to Ash and gave her a big hug. 'Thanks for letting me stay' I smiled and headed out the door. 'Oh and thanks for cheering me up with that joke mate' she shook her head slighlty and laughed. 'Want me to walk you home?' she offered. I nodded and we walked out the house and headed down the street.

'So you off out with anybody yet?' I asked.

'No, but there is someone I like' she went red alittle.

'Who who who!'

'Well, he doesnt even know I'm alive, he's never seen me around school before, He is on the football team and friends with Cory, he's called Danny' she smiled as we turned the corner.

'Aww bless' I did a baby voice as I talked.

'What about you? seen any eye candy you like at school?'

'Ermm not really, just well it doesn't matter' we both giggled as we came on to my road, she only lived a couple of street away from me. My heart started to race and I kinda freaked out a little as I turned the corner, hoping to god that Paul wasnt in. I looked at the house and let out a sigh of relief as there was an empty driveway.

'Well thanks again' I said as I hugged her once more. 'I'll see you at school in a couple of hours, yeah?'

It was still seven in the morning, I must have passed out and then woken up this morning, great another day at the hell hole, at least it gets me out of this hell hole, I thought asIi unlocked the door.

Walking in the house, it was just how I left it.

I walked upstairs and fell at the top smacking my shoulder on the side of the wall, I let out an ear splitting scream as I landed on the hard floor. clenching my fist I mangaed to get myself back to my feet.  I removed my hoody and top and there was a huge purple burise, yes I know nobody can get a bruise just from that, but the thing is I already had a bruise there from Paul.

Getting changed into slightly baggy jeans and a white vest top and a loose cream cardy seeing as it was warm today, covering my cuts and bruises.  I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and my hair and had a quick wash.

Walking back into the bedroom I froze, I heard a car pull into the drive, I glanced at the watch, 8;00, he shouldn't be home.   My heartbeat raced as I ran to the window to see who it was.   A white range rover sport had pulled up, Nice car!.

I frowned as i didn't recognise the car, I slipped my brown Timberland boots on, they used to be my mums, but I kept them because they fit me now and they reminded me of her.   I smiled slightly remembering my mum. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. opening them again I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to where the car was still there. Strange!

I peered out the window, Cory was in the drivers seat on his phone. I frowned slightly, thinking he was texting another girl. Wait!. why would I care. I shook my head of my thoughts and wandered into the kitchen to get something to eat before school.  I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out and opened the new message. it read:

Hey Jessie, Came to pick you up to go to school.

im outside.

Cory :) x

My heart just skipped a beat when I read this is, puzzling how he had my number.. I dont know why this guy had such an effect on me, I mean, come on, I barely know the guy. But I smiled and grabbed my bag from the stairs. I swung open the door and slammed it shut behind me, locking up I made my way past the car and headed down the road towards school.

I take it that he realised I didnt get in the car, because now he was driving at my walking speed next to me. I smirked as I heard the window roll down.

'Hop in' he shouted.

'No' I replied bluntley. like I said, I barely know the guy, why would  get in the car with him, he might kidnap me or rape me or something.

'I'm not going to rape you' he replied.

'What? I never said you would....Did I, I mumbled.  I didnt say that out loud did I?

'Never mind that, come on get it' he said with frustration in his voice. I flinched at his tone, then turned down the alley way towards school so he couldn't follow me.

Cory's POV

She turned down the alleyway walking away from the car. I sighed knowing I'd upset her, my wolf was just so exited to see her, I got annoyed and regretted my voice as soon as I spoke.

I was determined to get her to let me into her life. As I sped off to school. 


thats for reading :)

YellowBigSmile xx <3 

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