Chapter 23 - With you again

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Cory’s POV

My snarl erupted from my chest sending a terrifying silence down the prison cells, my anger grew when I finally spotted my little helpless mate, huddled over in the cold cramped corner of her cell.

I glanced forward at troy holding Damon up against the wall, Damon struggling trying to get troy of him. I changed forward without a second thought, smashing my snout into both of them, second the flying and crashing against the wall. Within seconds, Damon had phased into his wolf and stood ready to charge, I found it weird that troy didn’t do anything, just sat on the floor, looking at the last cell. I got cut of thought when I flew to the ground and Damon’s snapping wolf trying to get my neck, my back legs collided with his belly and threw him of just enough time so I could get on my paws again. Troy jumped on Damon as they both rolled across the floor, troy bare hands grabbing Damon’s wolf neck ready to snap it, when Damon changed back into his human form shouting something.

‘’Tell him’’ Damon growled underneath troy, troy stood up of Damon and staring down at the floor.

‘’Tell him’’ Damon repeated pulling himself up from the concrete as I cautiously watched him, phasing back to human form.

‘’Tell me what’’ frowning, I grabbed Damon and troy by the neck pushing them up to the wall.

‘’go on, tell him how you were on my side all the time, tell him how you were going to betray him, and how you coming to the pack was all a trick to kill him and his mate’’ Damon shouted as I looked at troy in disbelief.

‘’Cory I-‘’ I cut him off by slamming his back against the wall again.

I let out a growl, but let him fall to the ground in a heap; he buried his head in his hands.

My attention turned back to Damon, without a second thought I gripped both my hands round his head ready to break his neck.

‘’Wait’’ he shouted. ‘’Give mercy’’

‘’you kidnapped my mate, you beat her and then tried to threaten me’’ I scoffed. ‘’People like you, don’t deserve mercy’’ with that, a loud snap echoed throughout the prison.

Finally, Damon was dead.

Spinning on my heel, I sprinted towards the cell where my mate was in, smashing the door in, I ran towards her, wrapping my arms around her small helpless figure.

She lifted her head, looking into my sad eyes, tears rolled down her checks.

‘’I thought you would never come for me’’ my member got exitied just by hearing her sweet voice again.

‘’I would always come for you, I love you so much Jessie’’

‘’I love you too my alpha’’ he small giggled put the biggest smile on my face.

‘’Come on, we need to go home’’ I lifted her up into my arms, I hand brought some spare shorts with me so I slipped them on before picking her up, then I carried her out the cell.

‘’wait, what about ash’’ after I had found Jessie, I had totally forgotten about her, still carrying Jessie towards the bottom cell, I shouted towrds Ash and she slowly came out of the cell.

''Alpha'' she nodded and ran up to Jessie in my arms and hugged her. Ash her self had bruises and cut down her, red stains that was from her beatings. poor girl.

''Ash, thats a beautiful name'' came a croaky voice from Troy, still sat slumped on the floor.

''Me and you can never be mates'' I knew it was hard for Ash to say what she had just said, so I thought it would be better if we left.

''Come on'' still carrying my mate, i wrapped my arm around Ash for a hug, i might of been her alpha, but now i'm her friend.

as we made it out of the house, there were bodies, bodies everywhere. I glanced up and saw my beta running towrds me.

''Alpha, we have lost 8 men, but we killed 30 hunters, the rest retreated and left the land'' he nodded.

''I'll deal with the deaths of my pack when i get back'' i quickly nodded and phased into my wolf, ushering Jessie to climb on my back, she hesitated but eventually climbed on, grabbing clumpes of my fur on the back of my neck, she clung on for her life. I raced through the trees with my paws hammering agianst the ground.

''Ash...Ash'' shouted a really familiar voice. the voice i didnt want to here agian.

''Go away, she doesnt want to see you'' shouted back my mate who was still clining onto my fur. Phasing back, we were only acouple of minutes away from the pack house.

when i turned round to find my mate brushing her self of, Ash in her wolf form sprinted past us and into the pack house with troy running out of breath ran behind her, before he caught up with her, i grabbed the scruff of his neck and threw him back onto the damp dirt.

''Leave Troy, you dont deserve a mate especially not one like ash, she is amazing and you are her enemy, she doesnt want you, neither do we, so leave now'' hrowled my mate, jessie beside me as i wrapped my arm roun d her waist, my little mate sure can stick up for her pack, she is going to be a great luna.

Before i could say anything, troy stood up.

''I wont give up on her'' was the last thing he said before phasing to his wolf and running of in the distance.

''I love you, d'you how much'' i whispered in her ear.

''I dont know, you'll have to prove it'' she purred looking back at me, i felt my little member go hard just the thought of what she ment.

''Oh honey, come'ere'' throwing her over my shoulder she giggled making me smile even more.

''I love you too by the way'' she said still giggling.

''We need to make a trip tomorow'' i said opening the back door to the pack house.

''Why's that'' she said as her laughter died down.

''Your going to be a shewolf''


So guys.... long wait i know :)

But thanks for still reading :) means alot

This isnt the end btw :)

I'll upload sooner hopefully ;L

YellowBigSmile xx <3

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