Chapter 1

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Two years later

Getting off the bus, I adjust the straps of my old worn backpack on my shoulders. I can see the school a few hundred meters down the street to my right. I can only see one side of it, but I looked it up online so I know it's a three story, horseshoe shaped building made with red bricks.

I already printed out a map of the school. The middle of the building contains the offices, cafeteria, infirmary, storage and so on. The two parallel parts contain the classrooms, the one to the right is the science building, containing math, biology, chemistry and so forth, while the left one is the humanitarian building with English literature, French, history as well as art classes. Out behind the school itself, is two stadiums, an athletic stadium and a football stadium. I wonder if they have an indoor hall for P.E. in case of bad weather ?

I start walking towards the school. As I get closer I see the parking lot, which has been hidden from view behind the school and some strategically placed trees. Wait is that a Ferrari? Well hell, it is. It's on the first spot, the one closest to the school.

Oh man, I hope this isn't a school full of rich stuck up kids. While I'm not rich, I'm not exactly poor either thanks to my mom and dad. Dad was a cop so he had a life insurance from the force which he upgraded. In his line of work, not having an insurance would have been stupid. While my mom didn't have insurance, she was an engineer and a brilliant one too. She made good money and since she and my dad were minimalistic people, with a rather Spartan taste in design and home décor, she managed to save up a somewhat large sum of money. Dad had also invested some money, but they crashed and burned during the economical crisis. Not that it mattered to me, those money were supposed to be their pension, but since they never made it to retirement...

I choke down a sob.

When they died I inherited it all. The house we had lived in was paid in full, courtesy of the inheritance my maternal grandparents left us when they died three years ago. I haven't touched the money in the past two years, instead opting for putting it in a savings account. It's only recently I used a little chunk as a deposit for the small apartment I now rent.

I chose to rent a place of my own and forego foster care, because I simply didn't want to take the chance. I could end up in a good home, but I could just as easily end up in a bad one. Besides I only have a year to eighteen, where they would probably kick me out anyway. And after two years of moving around trying to lose my tormentors, I felt like being alone and staying in one place for a while.

So while I'm not rich and I'll not be carrying the latest gadgets and designer clothes, I will probably be able to make it through high school and college without working. Maybe the money will last longer if I get a job, lives sparsely and maybe get a roommate for college. But so far I'm good.

While I have been contemplating my money situation, I have reached the school. In between the different parts of the school building is a large area of grass and tree. Wooden tables and benches are liberally spread here and there. Close to the middle building is a podium with a soapbox, and across the building is a banner with the word 'Welcome!' in big rainbow colored letters.

Seems like there is gonna be a speech, I think to myself. I hope it isn't gonna be long since there are no chairs, and judging from the fancy ass clothes some of the students are wearing sitting on the grass is out too.

I look at my cell. Ten minutes to nine. I'm guessing they are gonna start at nine. I look around and spot an unoccupied table under a tree. I walk over, sit down and start people watching. I'm relieved to see that it's not only rich snobs. Sure there are a few here and there, but mostly everybody seems normal. A few looks confused and like they don't know what to do with themselves. Freshmen most likely. Others have already joined in groups or gathered into their old groups.

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