Chapter 8

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TGIF! Forget what I told Brian, I'm about to have a nervous breakdown! Not because of school, or well kinda because of school or more specifically a person in school. Yep, you guessed it: Liam.

For the past week he's been everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE! Every time I turn around, he's there. When I leave the classroom, he's there. When I come to school, he's there and when school's out he's also there. He continues to sit next to me in biology and today at P.E. - yes, I have P.E. with the guy, and let me tell you, he likes to be shirtless in those classes. One word: yum - he stuck to my side like glue especially during dodge ball. Okay, I'm happy with that because Britney really had it out for me with those balls. On the other hand, if he'd left me alone, like I asked, she probably would have restrained herself to the poisonous glares she usually utilizes.

He's always trying to get me to talk, trying to coax me into letting him take me home and trying to bully me into telling him who Brian is. I'm a nervous, twitching wreck, especially when I'm alone, always looking over my shoulder, carefully looking around corners and hiding behind various obstacles whenever I can. It's not as bad when I'm with Camille, she always gets me away from him pretty fast. Jade helps too but with more reluctance and she takes her time with the getaway. The only good thing is that he keeps out of my personal bubble entirely.

Except for today.

Today in P.E. he touched me. Not a lot or inappropriately or anything. Just... small touches. Sliding his hand against mine. Lightly touching the small of my back to gently push me forward. Loosely embrace me from behind to grab something in front of me. Grabbing my arm to lead me across the room. Holding on to my waist. Sliding my hair away. Touching my shoulder as he leans down to whisper in my ear. Wow, now that I think about it, he actually touched me a lot. No wonder everybody looked at us so weirdly. On one occasion he even touched my cheek and gently stroked my temple when Britney got around his defenses and hit me in the head.

I nearly had a seizure. And Britney nearly had a coronary if the furious red color on her face was anything to go by. And Liam? He seemed content to just stroke my face and speak calmly to me as if I was a skittish animal. It got awkward really fast especially since everyone stepped closer to look on in awe, as the Beast displayed a never seen before gentle side. He didn't stop touching me until the teacher - who had also been watching with an expression of disbelieve - cleared his throat and spun me around by my shoulders, dislodging the loose hold Liam had on me. He didn't seem to mind that terribly much seeing as he instead stepped closer to me so I could feel his body heat at my back.

At this point I started to wonder whether or not there was a step above furious. If so then Britney was definitely there now. I think I have to watch my food like a hawk from now on, lest she poison me at lunch.

I barely escaped close confinement with Liam in the infirmary. The teacher asked if I wanted to go, I got the distinct feeling that Liam would offer to take me and then I quickly said that I was fine even though my face hurt like I had gone a round with Rhonda Rousey. When they didn't seem convinced I panicked and ran to grab a ball which I then threw at a random classmate. Weirdly enough it worked, the game started again as if nothing had happened, though Liam stayed even closer to me that before throughout class.

Which brings me to now.

Now I'm standing alone in the parking lot waiting for Jade by her and Cades dark blue Volkswagen. Jade forgot something in her locker and we're gonna go get Camille by her house, since she had to change her clothes. I have no idea why.

I pull out my cell. Jade has been gone for over ten minutes. What's taking her so long? Her locker is one of the closest to the main entrance she should be back by now. Maybe I should go fin-

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