Chapter 12

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Monday I enter the school, a new weird feeling filling me up, a strange mixture of fear, excitement and nervousness. The feeling has been building over the weekend and as usually Liam is the cause.

The halls are filled with sourly students, annoyed with the early hour and the end of their few days of freedom. Equally annoyed teachers occasionally mix in with the mass of students, clutching papers in their hands and with bags on their backs or slung over their shoulders.

On my way to my locker I sneak a peek in the direction of Liam's locker. His locker is located in the middle building, relatively close to the main entrance. He's not there. Not that I really expected him to be, since it would seem that he's always late or just in time.

Still, the excitement in my chest dies down, transforming into an unexpected disappointment. My step falter and I find myself coming to a complete stop in the middle of the hallway. Absentmindedly I stare at his locker, several meters away from me.

The last few days have been spend thinking of Liam - and I really have to stop doing that - going back and forth, discussing pros and cons with myself, convincing myself that it's safe to get closer only to backpedal and start thinking up ways of avoiding Liam. In the end I gave up on coming up with an answer or a decision.

Yet here you are, waiting to catch a glimpse, shut up brain nobody asked you.

"Caia? Hel-lo-oo?" a hand waves in front of my face, snapping me out of my musings and I turn my head to face Jade. I quickly reach up to readjust the scarf around my neck which hides the remaining marks Liam left on me Friday night.

"You okay? I called your name, like, a thousand times?" her speculative gaze examine my face, searching it for the slightest bit of expression and give-away ticks and then they travel down to look curiously at my fussing hands.

I clear my throat. "Yeah sure, I just fell into a reverie for a second. That's all." Her eyes doesn't leave my face, doubt shining from their dark depths. Then they shift, looking past me in the direction of this sections lockers.

"Hey isn't that Liam's locker over there? The one you were starring at?" a hot flush colors my cheeks and I turn my face away, but not before seeing the cheeky grin which spreads over Jade's face. "You were daydreaming about Liam, weren't you?"

"What are you talking about? I was not." I mumble and begin walking towards my locker. She falls instep beside me.

"Yeah? Well what are you doing here then? Your locker is in the opposite direction and your classes too." I blush brighter and my non-verbal answer makes Jade laugh out loud.

"Shut up." I whisper without any real heat and quicken my step so Jades laughter falls a little behind. When I reach my locker, I'm still bright red and Jade's mirth have died down a bit. She's still smirking though.

"Gosh Caia, just give the guy a chance already. You clearly want to." I shake my head slightly.

"It's not that simple." I whisper dejected.

"How is it complicated? You are interested, he's interested. It goes like this: boy meets girl, boy/girl ask out, they go out, they smooch, if all goes well they go out again and if all goes very well they do the nasty. It's as simple as can be!"

"How about this: boy meets girl, boy is a fight loving, beast-nicknamed, 6'4 or more, violent and relentless nineteen year old, girl is a shy-ish good girl, with tons of common sense, who has to look out for herself and have no wish to end up heartbroken or in the middle of boy's fight. Boy pursues girl, for who knows what reason, girl declines boy repeatedly, boy gives up eventually and girl continues on with her life, meets another nice boy, gets married, have three point one three children and die of old age in house shared with nice boy turned husband."

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