Chapter 10

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We get to my apartment without encountering anyone. Liam seems to be a little more clear-headed now than when I found him, but he still staggers and leans on the wall when I have to get out my door key.

When we get inside I drop my grocery bags to fully support Liam as I lead him into my living room. He looks around interested after I dispose of him on a kitchen chair. So I don't want blood on my couch, sue me!

"Liam stay here. I have to plug in my phone and then I'll get my neighbor to call you an ambulance." I say and straighten up from my crouched position. Before I can leave the room Liam grabs my wrist.

"No don't. I don't need an ambulance. I just need a little while to recover." I look at him with big eyes.

"What?! Liam you can't see yourself but trust me, you're a bloody mess! Literally!" in the light his injuries become clearer. His face is rather colorful as well as bloody, and his hair is stiff with something I really doubt is hair wax. And this is only his face, who knows what the rest of him looks like! "You need a doctor, Liam."

"I think this is the most you have ever said my name." he chuckles and I'm close to strangling him. This is serious! "Bambi relax. I have been in thousands of fights, and I have experienced worse."

"Oh yeah? Well you might have other injuries that we don't know about. If they hit your stomach, and I'm assuming they did, then you might be bleeding internally! And we need to call the police so they can catch whoever assaulted you." Suddenly he breaks out in a load laugh.

"Assaulted? Bambi what make you think this was an assault?" I freeze.

"W-well I... I just thought... it w-wasn't?" I say in a weak voice. I mean, sure Camille told me that he got into fights and I saw how he hit Adam on the first day, but actually seeing him after a fight?

"No Bambi it wasn't. I like to fight." He looks directly into my eyes as he says this, almost as if warning me that that's never gonna change. "If I go to the hospital they are gonna call the police and I'm frankly not real keen on that. As for my injuries, if it reassures you then call my family doctor. It wouldn't be the first time he has to patch me up." He says with humor in his eyes.

I shake my head clearing the newfound fear, before I look pleadingly at him.

"Liam, I really would feel better if you go to the hospital." Sure, I don't like the guy, he unnerves me and he is violent, but I don't want to come to school Monday only to hear that he died of internal bleedings or something.

To my disappointment he shakes his head firmly. "No can do Bambi. Don't worry," he says gently, reaching up to cup my cheek and stroke my cheekbone with his thumb. "our family doctor has over thirty years of experience, has worked on some of the best hospitals in the world and has owned his own clinic for over ten years. He's paid quite handsomely to be on restrainer for me and my family, simply because he was the best we could find. He'll take good care of me."

Hesitantly I nod my head. "Okay. Okay, what's his number? I'll go call him now." He grins at me before bringing his hands to his pants, to unzip. My eyes widen and I take a hasty step back."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

He just grins some more and reaches into his pants. I prepare to run from the psycho pervert, but before I can he pulls out and in his hand is... a cell phone.

"You can use mine." He says after a while, since I have made no move towards him and his phone. Instead I have been standing starring stupidly at the phone, as if it was some kind of unnatural wonder.

I do a mental face palm. Nice Caia, you were so busy panicking that you didn't even ask if he had a phone. I step closer and take the phone from him. Then I narrow my eyes and ask "Why was your phone in your pants?" he shrug.

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