Chapter 37

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Pulling up at the station I spot a guy at the bottom of the station steps, talking animatedly into a phone. He's roughly my height with mousy brown hair, blue jeans, brown leather jacket and an angular face folded in a serious expression. His eyes were locked on my car when I saw him, so who he was, was a no-brainer.

When I've gotten out of my car he's already off the phone and standing beside me.

"Found anything?" I ask.

"Maybe." Brian answer. "I've gotten the police to send out a bolo and report her missing." He looks at me shrewdly. "Have you spent your time wisely?"

I'm annoyed that he won't tell me what he might have found, and I'm about to go off on him when I swallow my tirade. For the first time in my life I'm in a situation I can't handle myself, and while it pisses me off he's already managed to get the collective ass of the police moving, which is more than I was able to do. I want my Bambi back and being stubborn and hotheaded will only delay us. So I briefly catch him up on my long running quarrel with Ike and tell him about Jimmy's role in the kidnapping.

"And he could only tell you that the guy was old?" Brian's face consorts in disgust. My kind of man.

I nod affirmatively, and he looks off frowning speculatively. "Remember Jeffrey Miller and his sick wife?"

"Yeah?" As if I could ever forget him.

"Well, there's been an unexpected development in Mrs. Miller's circumstances." He turns his eyes back to mine. "She's currently receiving treatment in a private clinic in Florida. An anonymous sponsor have paid for her stay there until her eventual death or recovery. The money is paid through a company specializing in connecting private sponsors and investors with people needing money for one thing or the other. Whether it be for a new startup, students needing scholarships or," he raise a brow, "a desperate couple needing money for an expensive treatment."

"Someone hired Miller to kidnap Caia?" I ask incredulously.

"Probably." Brian says. "The Millers signed up for donations a few months ago, but a donation towards Mrs. Miller's treatment was made the day after Jeffrey's failed kidnapping attempt. Quite the coincident."

"Who's the sponsor?" I ask through clenched teeth. My blood is boiling with rage and I can feel my control slipping. Someone's been after my Bambi for a while. Someone might have been following her, looking for the perfect opportunity to strike. An now someone has her, planning to do who knows what to her and I didn't fucking see it coming!

Someone needs to die for this!

A hand is suddenly clutching the back of my neck, shaking me violently. I meet Brian's flaming eyes.

"Calm." He says. "You're no fucking good to me if you're not. Caia needs you to keep that temper of yours under wraps, so we can find her sooner. The more time we spent keep your ass out of trouble, the longer it'll take us to find her." And then it might be too late, is left unsaid but it's hanging oppressively in the air, effectively forcing my rage to the back of my mind to make way for rational thinking.

A few calming breaths later and I nod. "Who's the sponsor?" I ask again, this time more composed.

"We'll need a court order to get the name of an anonymous client."Brian says. "I've set the ball rolling, but it could take days. Time we don't have."

"So, what then?"

He opens his mouth to answer, but snaps it closed again when we hear a car coming roaring down the road. Brian narrows his eyes on the car pulling up to the curb behind mine, and discreetly reach for the gun hanging at his side. I just stand unmoving as I watch the occupants of the familiar car exit.

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