Chapter 26

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Putting his hand on my shoulder, he gently pushes me down so I'm laying on the couch. Following me down, he arranges himself so that he's laying half on top of me, half on the couch. He somehow manages to get comfortable without breaking our kiss and I slide one hand into his hair and the other over his well-defined chest.

Liam has one hand behind my head, needlessly holding me to him. But the right hand has begun wandering, caressing my face, neck and collarbone. It doesn't take long before that isn't enough and so he tugs the zipper of his hoodie down. Still skillfully kissing me, he urges me up a little to remove it and before I can even think of stopping him he has my bra clasp undone and the offending barrier cast aside. I gasp in shock when I feel his rough hand on my bare breast.

"Shh, shh, shh, shhhh..." he soothes against my lips. He leans over me, once again forcing me down.

Instead of holding me in place, his arm is now bracing beside my head so he can hover over me. The hand at my breast begin kneading and caressing. I give myself over to the feel of him and start touching him in return. A strangled moan enters my mouth through his when I play with the edge of his shirt, stroking his abs.

"Turnabout is fair play." I say. I give his shirt a little tug. "I want this off."

Breaking the kiss completely, he readily sits up and gives me my wish. Tossing it aside he comes back full force, stabbing his tongue between my lips and dominating my mouth. I try to keep up but his dominance is complete and he guides my tongue and lips in a wicked, passionate dance. That, combined with the glorious feel of warm skin against my tender nipples, heats my body into a frenzy and I lock arms around him, mindless with pleasure.

Releasing my mouth, he moves to suckle on my pulse. I dig my nails into his shoulder and moan loudly to which he chuckles. Moving further down, he kiss and nip at my breasts, dividing his attention equally between them. I moan again and grind my core against his jeans covered leg, trying to relieve the ache there.

Liam releases my breast from his mouth and blows on the nipple, making it stiffen. "I'm gonna take care of that for you Bambi, don't you worry." Before I can answer he's attacking my mouth again, kissing me senseless. But at the sound of a zipper I stiffen and push at his shoulders.

"Liam, no."

"Just touching sweets. Just hands." He reassures me before kissing down my neck and up again. I waver, remembering how good it felt the last time he made me... come. Before I can make a rational decision his hand is cupping my privates inside my underwear. "Just gonna make you feel good."

A finger flicker the bundle of nerves between my legs and I gasp as a jolt of pleasure travels through me. Liam's other hand pushes my pants and underwear down around my knees to gain better access, and his fingers part my nether lips, caressing me along the seam.

"Good, right?" my only answer is a strangled 'uh' as one of his fingers enter me. It feels weird. Good, but weird. I hear his masculine chuckle in my ear before he sucks the soft part into his mouth. "Yeah, good I think."

I whimper in protest when he removes his hand from me. I hear another zipper and a bit of rustling. Then Liam's grabbing my hand and guiding it down his chest and stomach.

"Turnabout is fair play." He whispers and closes my hand around his warm member. It's like a steel pipe coated with hot, soft velvet in my hand. I feel the blush bloom violently on my cheeks, but when Liam's hand returns to my entrance I forget my embarrassment fairly quickly.

I give it a few trying pumps which earns me a drawn-out groan. "Hold it tighter." He says against my neck. I grab it more firmly and gives it another tug. And when Liam begins pumping his finger in and out of me I forget everything but the pleasure I get from touching him and from his fingers.

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