Chapter 21

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Liam is leaning against the wall opposite of the restroom door. When we finally exit he straightens and lets his hands fall to his sides. "Bambi."

I ignore him and turn to walk down the hallway towards the girls locker room, with Liam calling after me.

"Bambi dammit wait!"

Camille and Jade turns their noses up at him and follow me. I manages a single glimpse of Liam's incredulous expression and before long I hear his footsteps in our wake.

"Caia, goddammit." I feel him grab my arm and turn me so my back hit the lockers. I raise my head to meet his furious gaze. "What's the matter with you?" he yells.

I feel a tiny tingle of fright at the base of my spine, but I steel myself against it and say "You! You are what's the matter! I'm sick and tired of you highhanded methods!" I push at his chest to emphasize my words.

"Me? What did I do?" he frowns in confusion but doesn't step away from me. On the contrary the takes a step closer, which I consider a brave move with my current anger taken into account.

"You told everyone to stay away from me!" I yell. At this time we have acquired quite an audience and they have formed a half circle around us. For once I'm too angry to be embarrassed so I take no notice of them. Meanwhile Liam's eyes have widened comically as comprehension sets in.

"Who told you that? And I only warned away the boys."

"It doesn't matter who told me or that you only warned away boys! I'm tired of you ignoring whatever I say and trying to push me into doing whatever you want."

"Whatever I want eh?" his head lowers to kiss me, but I turn my head so his lips lands on my cheek. Undeterred he kiss along my cheekbone to my ear. "I seem to remember you enjoying a lot of the things I've made you do." He pushes his hips forward, wordlessly explaining what incident he meant. "And I'll make you do many more things you'll enjoy." He lift up one of my legs so he can almost stand between them and rock almost unnoticeably against me, while sucking on my neck.

My breath gets stuck in my throat but before I totally lose my mind I raise my other foot and slam it down on his instep.

With a yip of pain he lets go of my leg and I take the opportunity to push him away from me. I promptly turn to stomp through the masses who splits to let me pass.

"Geez Bambi you're feistier than usual. Is it that time of month?" Liam's annoyed voice follows me and I take a second to think about it.

Goddammit, yes it is! The laughter escaping Liam lets me know that the slight hesitation in my stride didn't go unnoticed. Red faced I diligently ignore him and race down the hallway, Camille and Jade close behind me.



Still chuckling I straighten to follow my sweet girl. With her starting to feel unafraid of me I'm discovering new sides of her and so far I haven't been put off by them. I wonder who told her about my threat. Not that it matters, it's done and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Catching up to Bambi I'm just in time for her to slam the locker room door in my face.

Wow, she's really mad. That doesn't matter either. She can bitch about it all she want, I'm not gonna change my ways and she's just gonna have to live with it. She's gonna have to learn to love it even.

I get it, feminism, equality and all that. She wants choices and I'm fine with that, but I know where we'll end; in a relationship. I don't see the point of waiting a long time if it's unnecessary. And I admit I'm a selfish, authoritative bastard and I want things the second I want them. That probably have a lot to do with it.

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