Chapter 25

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Camille and Jade ended up staying the entire weekend. They left early this morning to get ready for school. I stayed home from biology and lunch solely to avoid Liam. I know he won't give up without a fight but I'm determined not to give in to him anymore. I'll only get my heart broken more than it already is.

Right now I'm sitting in my math class trying to figure out how to give Liam the slip. I look to my left to watch Cade drool on the table in his sleep. You wouldn't know it from his personality or from looking at him now but math is actually his best subject. He usually sleeps somewhere over in the corner but today he deigned to come sit with me. I think the girls had a talk with the boys during lunch.

Just before class lets out our teacher take a large, seemingly heavy stack of papers and say "This, my dear diligent students, is your next assignment." He takes the stack to our table and with a let it fall and land on the table with a loud slam. Abruptly brought back from dreamland Cade straightens up and cry "Godzilla's flying!"

The silence reigns for a second before everybody breaks out in laughter. Poor Cade looks confused from one student to another. "What?"

The teacher shakes his head sadly and sighs. "It's due next week. Have a good day everyone." He then leaves the class still shaking his head.

Cade looks at me. "What?"

I just shake my head and begin gathering my stuff. Cade follow me out the door where I come to a complete stop.

Liam's standing with his back straight and arms crossed trying to stare down the human wall that is my friends. Cade moves to join them and Liam moves his gaze to me.

"Bambi." Immediately Camille, Jade, Jordan and Cade moves back to form a barrier separating me from Liam.

I shake my head at him. "Go away Liam. We're done."

"The hell we are!" he walks closer but Jordan - the biggest of us - steps in front of him and places a hand in the middle of Liam's chest.

"She told you to go away. Don't you get that?"

"Get your fucking hand of me or lose it asshole!"

"Don't hurt my friends." I say calmly.

I can practically hear him gritting his teeth. "Bambi we need to talk." I shake my head again.

"We already said everything there is to say. Bye Liam." I turn to walk away and my friends copy me. Out of the corner of my eye I see Liam take a step towards us, only to be brought to a stop by Britney who moves to hang on his arm.

"Babe, leave her alone. Come play with me instead." She purrs like a kitten and let a hand run down his firm chest. She presses her breasts against him and gives him a sexy smile.

Liam pushes her back a little and then literally shakes her off. "Not fucking interested. Get off!" he takes another step towards me but is stopped by Adam, who also stops Britney from getting a hold of Liam again.

"Not now, dude" he tells Liam. Then he looks at Britney "He's not interested, get that through your thick skull." He gives her a push and she walks away sulking and pouting. He then turns his head to smile at Camille. "See you later Camille."

I watch in wonder as Camille blushes and shyly lowers her head. "See you." She says in a low voice. Adam is left behind with an enraged Liam and a confused expression on his face.

When we round the corner of the hallway Jade finally can't hold herself back anymore. "You're bluuu-shinggg!" she singsongs.

"Am not." Camille says and blush even deeper.

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