Chapter 13

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Grabbing my hot chocolate and Brian's American coffee from the counter, I place a few coins in the cute piggy tip jar and make my way towards the exit. Brian is standing outside, leaning relaxed up against the black Volkswagen eyes on his cell. When I approach he looks up.

"Did you remember my sugar?" he raises one eyebrow, and amazingly enough he manages to scowl at me at the same time. I roll my eyes. Forget his coffee preferences one time and hear about it for a lifetime.

"Yes, I got your sugar. Three bags of white sugar, one bag of brown, mix it together evenly while stirring the coffee clockwise, add a dash of synthetic milk powder and stir again. Jesus, it's a pain getting you coffee." Truthfully, I haven't been doing it the right way. I just pour everything in - three white, one brown, powdered milk - and mix it all together as I see fit. He hasn't complained as of yet.

Brian nods satisfied, and open the car door for me. I get in, careful not to spill our drinks and Brian closes my door, round the car and gets in himself. He reaches for his coffee, takes a long sip and sigh contently with a goofy smile on his face. I giggle and shake my head.

"Seriously, you and your coffee."

"Don't you diss the coffee! Coffee is the elixir of life! The nectar of the gods! The joy bringer of mankind! The..." I interrupt his ridiculous tirade.

"Okay, okay I got it! Coffee equal awesomeness. Geez," I mumble taking a small sip of my burning hot chocolate. "do you want a pedestal to display your coffee on? Maybe some lime lights shining on it so you can admire it in all its glory? And a red carpet in front of it and a temple with temple guards to protect it?"

"Coffee is a earth wandering god. Meant to be enjoyed by the people not placed out of my reach." He narrows his eyes on me. "If anyone took my coffee I would go Rambo on their asses."

"Interesting how you went from the people to you only." I comment.

"Don't take that tone with me young lady!" he waggles his finger playfully in front of my face. "Or I'll put you over my knee."

I laugh."Sure your knee can withstand that old man? We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, with your old age and all that."

He snaps in a breath and clutch his chest in indignation. "How rude!" he exclaims with all the outrage of a nineteenth century governess.

"Yeah, yeah." I snicker. "Let's get going before I become as ancient as you, shall we?"

He grumbles about 'today's youth' and 'respecting ones elders' but nevertheless places his coffee in the holder by the dashboard and pulls out into the traffic.

We barely reach the end of the street before it happens.

It didn't see it coming. I didn't see any of them coming. I felt the impact though. Suddenly I'm whipped forward harshly before crashing face first into the deployed airbag and under a second after we're hit from the side. My side.

The side of the car are crushed inwards forcing my body to move. Or it would have if my safety belt hadn't engaged, holding me firmly in place. The result is painful pressure from both sides and most especially from where the belt is cutting into me from the left.

For a short moment everything is chaos. Unknown forces lift me slightly from my seat and my hair whips around my face. Something hit my temple and for a few seconds everything becomes spotty.

Next thing I know I'm outside the upturned car, crawling through a smashed window. Everything hurts, my head, my shoulder, my leg and large parts of my torso. My eyesight is still blotchy, also my ears ringing so the sounds are muted. Vaguely I can hear the panicked voices around me, some just screaming, others yelling for someone to call an ambulance.

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