Chapter 24

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The next morning I wake up with the mother of all headaches and stiff, cramping muscles. Slowly I pick myself up from the hallway floor where I fell asleep the night before after Liam had been taken away by the police. I reach for the shoulder bag housing my cell and learn that it's past twelve and that I have missed texts from Camille and Jade.

Camille: soooo... did you go on a date with Liam???

Oh yes I did and I'm never doing it again.

Jade: how did it go?!

Jade: tell me!


Toeing off my heels I make my way to the bathroom. The girl in the mirror has swollen, red rimmed eyes, her hair is messy but still somewhat secure in the braid and her clothes are rumpled and wrinkled. She looks like she's been through hell and back. And I feel like it too.

I undo my hair and I'm about to wash my face when the doorbell sounds. I hesitate for a second before cautiously walking back to the door. Once there I hesitate again.

The police wouldn't have released Liam so soon would they? And it's Saturday so he should be locked up until Monday at least? I'm not sure I'm capable of handling anyone today but I'm most definitely not able to handle Liam, not so soon after our... break up? The doorbell is chimed again and a voice yells through the barrier.

"Let us in! We will not be denied our post-date tittle-tattle!" Jade's demand is accompanied by another chime and some pounding.

Alright new dilemma. Do I hide in my bed and risk them breaking down the door or do I face the music now?

"Caia! Open up!" okay this is beginning to sound like a repetition of last night's drama and I don't think my grandmotherly landlord would appreciate two incidents within a ten hour frame. Therefore I move to open the door.

I'm met with excited smiles which turns to concerned frowns when my two friends see my rumpled appearance. I don't know what happens but when Camille carefully reaches for me, the dam breaks again and I throw myself bodily into her arms, crying loudly and with big fat tears trailing down my cheeks. Jade moves quickly to integrate herself into the comforting hug.

Surrounded by their love and the safe feeling their embrace produce, the teary river slows to a steady stream and I slowly calm down and allow them to guide me inside. They get me seated on my couch and take up positions on either side of me.

"What happened?" Camille asks.

"I can go get my father's gun and castrate Liam if you want?" Jade offers with a vicious smile.

But I simply shake my head. How am I supposed to tell them what happened? I can't explain it without explaining everything. How else can I explain my deep-seated fear off all things dark and dangerous? Normal girls don't freak out after just one fight. Granted, Liam made it clear that it wouldn't be the last and many girls would find that disconcerting but still. And if I explain everything they'll know about the nightmares, the traumas I'm still dealing with. Everything.

"Have you eaten today?" Camille asks, realizing that I'm not ready to talk just yet.

I shake my head and she stands resolute and walks to the kitchen area. Opening the fridge, she checks out the contents before asking "Do you want an omelet?" My confirming nod is accompanied by a 'hell yes!' from Jade, so Camille pulls out the ingredients and start making me lunch.

Camille makes an omelet for all of us and when they are done, we resumed our original seating arrangement. Just before I start eating I take a deep breath and begin telling them about my parents and the past two years.

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