Chapter X

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It felt odd standing in my old apartment. Everything was left exactly as I left it, but for some reason, it felt different. It was a little messy, of course, there were even a few dishes in the sink. 

No one knows what home smells like until they've been away for awhile. Upon walking through the door, the scent hits you and brings immediate comfort. 

"Are you alright?" Valak asked from the living room. As soon as we entered, he roamed my place with a look of interest. 

Throughout the past few minutes, Valak has been picking and peaking at my things. 

"Mhm." I hummed absently. 

I honestly didn't know what I was feeling. I never loved living here, but everything I laid eyes on remind me of my former life. A life I can never go back to even if I wanted to. If Valak decided to break up or whatever the fuck it's called when breaking off a relationship like ours, I would never be the same. Everything would always feel a little off like it does while I'm standing here right now. 

At that moment, I didn't know whether to hate or thank Valak. I'm not as naive as I was just a few weeks ago, but I was happy with the way I was living. Until it was taken away from me, by vampires.

"You feel that I've taken this life away from you." Valak stated while staring at one of my unfinished paintings. 

He made his way towards me, our eyes boring into one another's. 

"Because you have." I scuffed. 

"You're completely right, and I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm too selfish to allow you to go back to this. You've entered my life and altered it in a way that makes it impossible for me to let you go."  I laughed bitterly at his words. 

What I hated most about this entire situation was how pleased apart of me was. A small piece of me wanted to go back to that castle and be the queen Valak wants me to be. His wife. 

"You're such an asshole." I spat. 

I couldn't help it. The emotions my apartment brought me were speaking for me, but I didn't have the will to stop myself. 

"Darling, you're letting your emotions get the best of you. Just take a deep breath and--"

"Stay out of my fucking head." I snapped. 


"Can I just have a minute?" I asked. Valak nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

I waited until he exited before I broke down.

I ran to my bedroom and buried my face in my old bed sheets. My apartment wasn't much, but it was the first place I had ever obtain all on my own. This place went through two breakups and three robberies with me. I didn't know it then, but this place was my safe haven despite it's lack of safety. 

I didn't know how long I was crying in my pillow for. The front door opened and shut softly. I didn't pay any mind to it.

Until I heard his voice. 

Much of my distress disappeared into thin air by the sweet sound. 

"Baby, I know this hurts you, but this place was never good enough for you." Valak said softly. 

His presence brought me so much comfort. His touch brought so much relief. Valak calmed me more then this place has in three years in just a few seconds. 

"Can you promise me something?" I asked while sitting up to face him. 

"What is it?" He asked gently. 

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