Chapter XLIV

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"Nope, I already know what Valak would say about that one." Scarlett snorted.

I glanced down at the black, lace gown with a frown. I actually liked this one.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind it too much." I shrugged.

Lilith shook her head in disagreement and left the fitting area to search for more dresses.

"As much as he loves seeing your skin, he wouldn't like other people seeing it. I'm doing you a favor, hun." I rolled my eyes with a giggle. She was definitely right, but I didn't want to show up in a damn turtleneck.

"Dress number seventeen is a no then." I grumbled.

Valak was already planning my coronation ceremony, and suggested I get some time away from Rayna by shopping for a dress. It took a few days of convincing, but once I realized how confined I felt, I took his advice into consideration.

Lilith came back into the fitting area with another arm-full of dresses. It took another hour before I settled on a dress I actually liked, and that I was sure Valak would approve of. He wanted me to send pictures of the one I chose, but I wanted it to be a surprise.

● ● ●

I was actually relieved to enter the castle. Valak had introduced me to the servants there a little over a month ago, so everyone knew who I was. At first, they addressed me with a bow and a cort 'your highness'. I quickly established that when Valak wasn't around, they didn't have to address me as such.

When I entered Valak's office and found a young brunette sitting with Rayna on her lap, and Valak nowhere in sight, one could say I was a little upset.

"Where is Valak?" I tried to keep my tone friendly, but it came out harsher than intended.

The woman stood quickly with Rayna in her arms and approached me cautiously.

"He's in a meeting, your highness." She spoke with her head bowed.

I gently took Rayna from her arms, "Please, call me Livia. I can take it from here, thank you for watching her."

"What's your name?" I asked before I could stop myself.

She turned, her brown eyes met mine for a fleeting second, "Aelia."

"Are you Layne's caretaker? He's mentioned you before."

She nodded, "I am, he speaks highly of his Rayna." A sweet smile crossed her lips as she gazed upon Rayna.

"Could you bring him by tomorrow, around 10:30 in the morning?"

"Yes, I'd be happy to."

We exchanged courtesies before she left Valak's office.

I played with Rayna for another half hour or so before he entered his office.

Seeing his broad form, and dark looks made me momentarily forget about the discussion we needed to have.

"My Queen and Princess await." He chuckled.

I couldn't hide my full smile as I stood from the sofa to greet him.

"Hm, my king." I purred out once he had both Rayna and I locked in his embrace. She cooed from between us, and squealed excitedly when Valak plucked her from my arms.

"She's acting as if it's been hours since she's seen you." I said knowingly.

"I had to leave her with a caretaker while I went to a meeting, love."

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