Chapter XXIV

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With one last stroke of my paintbrush, I finally finished my painting of the view before me... for now. I knew later I'd be restraining myself from applying finishing touches. As my professor always said, "An artist will never finish, but will accomplish." It was his way of saying know when to stop before you fuck up your work trying to perfect it.

I kept myself from staring at the painting knowing I wouldn't like it right away. I'd wait until tomorrow to gaze upon my depiction of the forest.

I nearly died of shock when I realized there was a room I had never even opened, only to discover that it was a balcony. It was made of stone and high above the ground. If I were to fall, I'd be falling to my death.

I took a deep, refreshing breath as the cool wind stung my cheeks. Winter was currently thriving. I had been so engrossed in my work I didn't take notice that I was indeed, freezing my ass off.

The past four days have been more boring than usual. Lilith comes by, and we even went out two days in a row to see a movie and have coffee. I enjoyed her company, but it just didn't compare to Valak's affections he never failed to give. Though, he called me every night and vis-versa, I was anxious for him to come back.

Every night, his handsome face on my computer screen was accompanied by another adorable one. Little Layne was the cutest boy I've ever seen. Valak told me what the boy had been through. The toddler was a true survivor, he survived almost a week without blood. His safe place under the floorboards of his home contained blood, but the boy knew no restraint and drank it all in one day. When Layne arrives tomorrow, I'm going to give him so many kisses and cuddles.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when my phone broke the peaceful moment I was absorbed in. A photo of Valak biting his lip appeared on my screen that I screenshot while we facetimed the first time.

As desperate as it seemed, I answered right away not wanting to wait to hear his voice.

Wow, I'm one of those girls that is constantly pinned over their man.

"Hey, babe." I said as casually as my excited domeanor would allow. Valak offered a small smile. It looked like he was in his office and facetiming me from his computer.

"Hello, darling, how is your day?" He asked seeming a little sidetrek.

"It's fine, I just finished a painting. What about you, is everything okay?"

Valak sighed and tossed his pen onto his desk then ran a hand down his face.

"We believe the nine survivors we found are--," He paused and glanced at something before continuing cautiously, "--all we're going to find. We haven't found one soul in two days."

"The lycanthrope haven't caught a scent or anything?" I asked.

He shook his head and sat back in his chair. Silence fell around us as he stared at his computer screen. I bit my lip trying to think of something to say to comfort him. He lost hundreds of his own, he must be devastated.

"I can't wait to see you, love. Seeing you through numbers and patterns is such a tease." I laughed at his words. Whatever he planned on doing through the phone hasn't happened due to him having Layne in his care.

"Lilith and I went by Victoria's Secret the other day. I got some things for you." I heard a low growl rumble through the speaker and smirked when his eyes grew noticeably darker.

"Why don't you show me what you got now?" He asked lowly, his voice was dangerously low.

"Hm, no." I teased. He chuckled and shook his head.

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