Chapter XI

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I wasn't surprised when I awoke in my suite alone. I'll admit, I was a bit disappointed though. Spending the day with Valak yesterday was the most fun I've had in years.

I stepped out of my bedroom and noticed how bare the suite is. All of the furniture and pictures on the walls were gone.

When I got to the kitchen, I made myself some scrambled eggs and a cup of coffee.

My eyes widened when they caught sight of the boxes of my art supplies on the counter. I didn't even finish my food before I scurried to my prized possessions.

I spent have the day painting whatever came to mind. I was finally able to free my imagination after so long, and it felt so refreshing. My third painting caught me off guard, it took my awhile to realize what I was painting.

The soft strokes of my paint brush glided dark colors to create a familiar, handsome face. I made half of the face covered by shadows, and the other half full of colors. Both sides of the face had dark, hypnotising eyes that made me stare a moment longer when I looked at them.

His hair was unruly, and his lips were plump from my kisses. I painted him without a shirt because in my mind, that's when he looks best.

I took a step away from my painting and smiled. His bedhead has been depicted as the most enticing creature to hold my eyes.

"Is that my father?"

I jumped away from my painting, my paint brush flying out of my hand.

"Lilith?! God, you scared me." I gasped. My hands held my chest trying to calm my pounding heart.

Lilith just stood there in a tight, dark gray turtle neck tucked into her black, skinny jeans. Her high ponytail brought the whole look together with its long, black locks. A woman who can pull off being fully clothed and sexy will always be envied by me.

"My father sent me here to help you redecorate." She said. I didn't even notice that she had a laptop in her hand until she handed it to me.

"Where's Valak?" I tried to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"He had an emergency meeting with the elders."

Oh, right. Important matters.

"Elders?" I said wanting to switch the subject from Valak.

Lilith nodded, "The elders are the oldest vampires of the species. My father is one of them, or rather, the eldest."

"Is that why he's king?" I asked.

"He's is king for more reasons than being the eldest, but yes, you could say that."

"How old are you?" I asked curiously.

Lilith's face twisted thoughtfully, "I believe I'm somewhere around five hundred and fifty."

Well isn't this awkward...

"Why do you look younger than your father?" I asked curiously.

"Because I'm still aging."

"Will you stop aging like Valak did at thirty?" I asked.

Lilith's face fell in way that pinched my heart.

"I'm not sure if I ever will. I'm not a vampire." Her voice was quiet.

Her father is a vampire, so why wouldn't she be? Is it because her mother was... a human.

"You're half human." I said in disbelief.

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