Chapter XLII

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One would say true beauty is a rare finding. Whether it be in nature, or gems, it was always hard to see nakedly. Nothing could compare with seeing such untamed beauty with the naked eye, yet here I was, seeing it everyday.

Big brown eyes gazed into mine. A silent command was held in them, one that I felt. I lifted my little Rayna once she was done breastfeeding and rested her on my chest to burp her.

I giggled as a string of hiccups left her chest. 

"Those were some big ones, babygirl!" I cooed.

Her droopy eyes told me she was ready for her nap, so I laid her in her crib that was just a few feet from my bed. Ever since she left my womb just under two weeks ago, she's been set on a routine. She took naps in her crib, and slept with me at night. I didn't like letting her sleep alone for such a long period of time by herself; it was also for my own sake. 

Valak went MIA the day he went into battle. It's likely that he doesn't even know I've given birth... or that I died while doing so. I prayed that he was okay, but I knew that he was alive because of the bond.

I didn't like Rayna only getting to know one parent, but I feared that could be her life. 

I decided a hot shower would be nice. I barely had any time to myself, babies really are a full-time job. I avoided my reflection, knowing I looked like shit. I had only looked at myself once, and that was right after the transition from human-to-vampire. What I saw... scared me. I looked so... so alive, as if I hadn't just died. My eyes were brighter, my skin was slightly darker, and there were no scars, pimples, or blemishes. It was inhuman to be so perfect. Even my belly, that had been stretched to accommodate Rayna, was nearly flat again.

I let out a yelp of pain when the shower water hit my front. It felt like needles jabbing at my skin. I quickly recoiled from the lethal droplets as I scanned my skin. It was completely fine. Instead of reverting to a bath like I have been these last few days, I decided to suck it up. I turned the knob to tone done the downfall of droplets, and made the water slightly cooler. 

Finally, the texture of the water was bearable, and almost comfortable. I felt like I had conquered something; I overcame an obstacle. It wasn't long before I heard a soft cry as if it were right in my ear. 

Time to exit my solitude.

I quickly turned off the shower water and wrapped a towel around my body. I wonder what could've woken her up? Maybe I bumped something in the shower. I've discovered Rayna was also a victim of sensitive hearing. It was like a dog sensing danger.

"Sh, baby, mama's coming." I cooed, knowing she'd hear me through the walls. 

I didn't get a chance to dry off, so I tried to do so speedily, even though the towel was pretty rough on my skin. It almost felt like sandpaper. 

I paused when Rayna's cries lowered. A creak on the floorboard was enough to set off soundless alarms in my brain. I was out of the bathroom in milliseconds. I felt my nails elongate to claws, and my canines shift through my gums to sharp points. 

The sight had me frozen. The scent, I had smelled it before, but it was so much stronger. It was so intoxicating, I struggled to keep my eyes from shutting in bliss as my knees buckled.

"Valak." It was a low moan that left my lips. He was standing just feet away, taking in my appearance. Rayna rested soundly in his arms as he turned to face me completely. 

This was a lovely vision I'd always cherish.

I watched as he placed a sweet kiss on her forehead before gently setting her back in her crib, his eyes barely leaving my body that was merely clad with a small towel. 

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