Chapter XXXV

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I woke up alone. I was convinced last night was a dream until I noticed the wrinkled sheets beside me. I instinctively palmed my belly when it started growling.

I took a quick shower, and changed into one of Valak's T-shirts and put on a pair of leggings. I didn't really know my way around this place, but that didn't stop me from leaving the bedroom.

When I made it to the hallway, I decided to follow my instincts until I finally made it to the kitchen after too many wrong turns. It didn't take me long to realize this safe house is a mansion.

No one appeared to be in any rooms I passed by, or the kitchen. I searched the cabinets until I found the cans of soup. As much as I craved a giant bowl of cereal, I knew my body couldn't handle that yet.

I hummed a tune under my breath while waiting for my soup to heat up in the microwave.

"Good afternoon, love." A husky voice said into my ear while familiar arms circled my waist. I smiled and leaned back into my lover's embrace.

"How long did I sleep for?" I asked. I turned to face Valak.

"Probably around twelve hours." He chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

It felt so odd to be back in his arms. We were pretty affectionate before everything happened, but now something felt off. I wasn't used to tender touches, and soft kisses; especially from Valak.

"What's wrong, darling?" I lowered my head refusing to meet his dark eyes.

"N-nothing, I think my soup is done." I mumbled. I attempted to escape Valak's hold, but he only pulled me closer.

"Please, don't shut me out." He quietly begged.

I shook my head and tried pulling away again, "Valak, please. I just... I just want my soup." I lied.

Of course he could sense my fib, even without looking into my thoughts. Anyone with proper hearing could tell. But instead, he nodded, released my body, and took a step back. I couldn't help the ache in my chest that we were probably both feeling. I wasn't trying to push him away, I just needed a bit of space.

"Keep our little one fed." He said before leaving the kitchen in a gust of air that made she shiver.

I remained in my spot, leaning on the counter for support. Last night was so surreal, I couldn't ever think of wanting to be away from him. But in this moment, I wanted to be alone. No amount of affection was going to cure my pain in such a short time, not even from Valak. I needed to get through this and come out strong on my own.

. . . . . One week later . . . . .

It had only been a few hours since I last saw Valak. I had a feeling he wasn't going to let days go by without seeing me like he used to. Every now and then I'd catch him leaning on the doorframe watching me lie in bed. He knew I sensed him just like he knew I was awake. I wanted him to come hold me, but at the same time, I didn't want to be touched.

Even now, while I'm supposedly surrounded by safety, I felt so exposed. My nightmares intensified each night, and that was the only time I'd let Valak hold me. I needed him to chase away the demons trapping my mind in such misery.

"Darling?" Valak's crisp voice called from the doorway of the bathroom. I hummed a response.

"May I join you?" His question took me by surprise. I was currently having a hot bath to help me relax. My morning sickness was making a comeback.

"U-um, sure." I let out.

I watched him undress. I eyed his hard body hungrily. The mostly familiar tingle in my core reminded me why agreeing to letting him bathe with me was a great idea. My eyes slowly trailed to his manhood that twitched the slightest bit.

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