Chapter one

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Chapter one

"Dad?" I turn my head and look to my father who just walked through my prison door

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"Dad?" I turn my head and look to my father who just walked through my prison door.

"Darling," He greets me as I stand to my feet. He opens his arms out as he comes towards me and I reluctantly accept his hug.

He pulls back and places his two hands on each side of my face as he stares intently into my eyes. "You're going home." He tells me as I knit my eyebrows together.

"Home? As in back with you?" I ask as he smiles.

"No, baby." He shakes his head with a small chuckle, meanwhile I wait patiently for him to tell me exactly where 'home' would be. "Earth."

His eyes are bright and full of hope, so bright I can almost see the reflection of my own but mines were filled fear and hatred.

"Earth?! No! Dad, I'll die!" I shout as he backs up from me, remaining calm.

I see two guards come in and stand by the door, making me panic more.

"Dad, I'm your daughter, you can't do this!" He nods to the two men as I run to the other side of the room. "You're sending me to my death!"

The men grab me but I fight back, punching one straight in the jaw. I suddenly feel electricity running through my body as I fall to the floor. My fathers face is now in front of mine as he is crouched down to my level.

"This will be good for you." He tells me as I go in and out of consciousness.

"I hope you die up here." I whisper as I finally close my eyes.

Chapter one

Chapter oneB

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"Hey, hey." I shake my head as my eyes open. I look in front of me to people strapped in to seats, I then look down at my own body to see myself in the exact same position. "Are you okay?"

I look to my left now as I see a young Asian boy looking back at me. The one who was asking me the questions.

I nod in response, "Yeah, yeah, I'm good."

"Okay, well, we've landed, let's go." He says as he unbuckles himself from his seat.

"We're on the ground?" I ask, still not moving.

"Yeah, you were out cold for the ride." He informs me as he now stands in front of me. "Probably a good thing, it was quite intense."

I unbuckle my belt as I fall the floor, the boy quick to aid me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks as he helps me stand to my feet.

"Been through worse, probably about to go through a lot more." I tell him as he chuckles slightly at my comment.

"Monty." He introduces himself.

"Sawyer." I say, doing the same and sudden realisation washes over Monty's face.

"You're Kane's daughter, right?" He asks, pointing at me.

"Don't remind me." I scoff as he looks a little taken aback.

"Well," He says as he places a hand on another boy not to far away and spins him around to face us. "This is Jasper, my best friend."

"Sawyer." I tell the boy with the goggles.

"Kane's daught-"

"Don't." Monty cuts him off. "Bad subject." He informs him as I stare at the two boys. They both smile as I shake my head at their oblivious ignorance.

I walk past them and make my way to the front of the drop ship.

"Hey! There's that girl that was hidden under the floor!" I grab the shoulder of the boy who shouted it and pulled him back.

"Drop it." I say sternly as I walk past him and up to the girl he shouted it at. She looked pretty pissed at his comment.

"Don't worry too much about it, we'll probably be dead in a few minutes anyway." I tell her as she stares at me.

"Who are you?"

"Sawyer. Octavia, right?" I ask, gesturing towards her. I remembered her from when it was revealed on the Ark what her mother had done.

She looked hesitant at first but nodded. "Yeah, this is my brother, Bellamy." Siblings were forbidden on the Ark as there wasn't enough oxygen as it was.

I look to a taller boy beside Octavia as he stares down at me. I nod to him as he does the same.

"So, what we waiting for?" I ask to the brother and sister as they take a glance at each other.

"You wanna go first?" Bellamy asks, looking to Octavia as she smiles brightly.

Bellamy then pulls the lever to open the drop ship doors. Light pours in as it opens slowly before finally reaching the ground and for the first time in my life, I see the earth.

Octavia takes slow steps as myself and Bellamy follow her. She drops her feet from the drop ship door onto the ground, her arms reaching out to each side of her as if trying to feel the air.

I breath it in myself, the smell of nature brand new to me. I liked it.

"We're back bitches!" Octavia screams with joy as everyone in the drop ship runs out from behind me.

I cross my arms over my chest and look to Bellamy who still stood beside me, smiling.

Everyone outside was now doing anything, feeling the grass, smelling the air.

"You're not gonna go enjoy it?" I turn my head to Bellamy who just asked the question.

"What's the point?" I shrug as his eyebrows furrow.

"We're alive?" He tells me like it's obvious.

"Yeah and for how long?" I turn my head back looking at everyone.

"Well, you're a ray of sunshine." He sarcastically comments as he walks off the drop ship door and stands facing me from the ground.

"Try smiling, sunshine." He smiles and winks, giving me what seems to be a new nickname that I definitely wasn't a fan of. I screw my face up in disgust at him.

"No thanks, Bella." I shake my head and walk onto the ground, walking away from that pain in the ass and hoping the nickname I gave him pissed him off as much as his did for me.

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