Chapter 6: Invisible Kid

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"Ella, I know that you are allowed up late but you should really go to bed now." Mr. Trevor states.
"But Mr. Trevor I can..." Ella stated.
"No, Ella. Look, Just go to bed..."
"Mr. Trevor..."
"No! Bed. Now!" He snapped at her.
"Fine." Ella stated. She wanted to cry, but she also wanted to be tough. So she just turned around, and walked back to her room.
As she was walking down the hall, Owen stops her to ask her a question.
"So...where can I sleep?"
"You're worried about where you're going to sleep? That's your big question? While I am here wondering why the hell I am the only one who can see you?" Ella exclaims.
"Well the reason why you can see me is because you have a gift where you can, well, 'things'. That's very rare, you know." Owen concluded.
"What do you mean by 'things'?" Ella questioned.
"Uh...Hey isn't this your room?" Owen asked, changing the subject.
"Yeah. How did you..." Ella began to question.
"Well let's go inside!" He shouted.
"Owen! Shoosh! Rachel is probably asleep."Ella stated.
"Who's Rachel?" Owen questioned.
"My roommate. Since you are clearly not leaving for awhile, you might as well get to know her." Ella stated.
Then the duo walked into the room. The lights were off which obviously meant that Rachel was asleep. Their room has stayed basically the same ever since Ella moved in. Once they were both in the room, Owen ran over to the third, abandoned bed in the room and started jumping on it.
"You are such a child. Stop jumping on the bed and go to sleep." Ella stated.
Just as Owen was commanded to, he stopped jumping on the bed and layed down. Then the two fell asleep.
The next morning, Ella woke up to find Owen still asleep and Rachel gone. On the edge of Ella's bed was a note.

"Hey Birthday Girl! Meet me in the cafeteria.

   Ella grabbed some fresh clothes, her toothbrush, and her hairbrush and went to the bathroom to get ready. Afterwards she went back to their room to grab Owen. When Ella was back, he was still sleeping, so she decided to deal with him later. Ella left the room again and headed to the cafeteria.
Right away, she spotted Rachel.
"Rachel, what did I tell you about my birthday?" Ella stated.
"I know, I know. You don't like celebrating it. I know. But can I at least get you a cake or something?" Rachel asked.
"Fine. If that makes you happy, you can." Ella concluded.
"Then how about we make one together? I already asked Mr. Trevor about it and he said it would be fine." Rachel asked.
"Sure that sounds like fun!" Ella exclaimed.
Then the two headed back into the kitchen and began to make a cake.

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