Chapter 22: Backstory

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    "Really? I thought you would have know about me, sis?"
    "They never told me anything about a brother.
    "Why don't I tell you about it then. When mom found out she was pregnant, she was having twins, you and I. But somewhere during the 9 months, she got sick. She went to the doctors to see what was wrong. They helped her, but they also told her that one or both of us was probably not going to make it. Then the day came where both of us were about to be born. You came out first, and you were completely healthy. I, on the other hand, got all of the illness. The doctors couldn't help me. I died 6 hours later." Owen stated
    "Owen I am so sorry!" Ella uttered.
    "Yeah well you should be! A few days before we turned five, I found out what happened the day we were born. But angry flooded through me. How was it fair that you guys got to live and I didn't? You guys had no idea what it was like growing up for me!" Owen announced.
    "I know it was probably hard, but..." Ella began to explain but was cut off by Owen. 
    "So I decided, if I can't go to you guys, you will just have to come to me."
    Ella froze "So..."
    "When mom and dad were out, I hijacked the car. Dad was gone after the car fell down the hill, but mom, she's a fighter, I didn't get her, and I still haven't, she's MIA. But she is still out there."
    Ella's eyes lit up with joy after hearing the last sentence. "My mom is still out there?"
    Owen realized his mistake right then in there.
    Ella then stood up and walk towards the doors. "If my mom's still out there then I have to find her!" Ella exclaimed. But Owen had other plans.
    "Where do you think you're going?" He asked her as she froze with her back towards him.
    "To go find my mom!" She stated.
    "Oh no you're not!" Owen stated. Ella felt something cold touch the back of her head. Then she realized it was the gun Owen laid out for her. He lifted the gun off her head as she turned around.
    "Owen, what are you doing?"
    "Do you really think you are going to leave this room alive, sis?
    "Owen! Please don't! There are plenty other kids you can be friends with!" Ella cried.
    "You really think this was all for friends? That story was just for you to feel bad for me. But since you know now...I can't let you live. If I wasn't allowed to live, neither can you!" He said as he rose the gun to Ella's forehead.
    Ella prepared herself for what was going to happen next. Owen put his finger on the trigger, "Any last words?" he asked her.
"Yeah..." Ella replied as she punched him right in the face. Owen took it by surprise and dropped the gun. Ella pushed him away and grabbed the gun. She pointed it at him, and Owen put his hands in the air.
"What are you going to do? Shoot me? Because you can't! I'm already dead! If you shoot me it will make no difference! I will always come back!"
"I just want one thing." Ella stated.
"I want you to leave mom and I alone."
"I will leave you alone. But why mom? She's never going to find you! Last I heard she was in Kansas."
"Just leave us both alone!" Ella commanded.
"Ugh fine!" Owen agreed. "Goodbye, Ella." He concluded. Then Owen disappeared, and so did the gun, and the objects on the floor. After that, the doors behind Ella sung open.
Ella was about to leave the room when she noticed something shiny on the ground. She picked it up. Joy filled her.
She finally found it. Ella found her key necklace.

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