Chapter 21: Choices

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    Ella ran and ran, until she came to a dead end. There were two doors. One leading outside, and one leading to the room where it all began, the room where she found Owen. She tried to go outside, but the doors were locked. So she went into the other room. All the lights were out in the room, and when she walked in the room, the doors slammed shut and locked behind her. Ella stopped crying as the fear in her rose. She ran back, trying to open the doors but they wouldn't budge. Ella sat down by the door and began to cry again. Then, one light came on. Owen appeared under it.
    "Why hello Ella!" He greeted putting his arms behind his back.
    "Did you miss me?"
    "No! Why were you acting like that back there?" Ella asked.
    "For the same reason why I did all the other stuff." He stated with a malevolent grin on his face.
    Ella paused for a minute. "What do you mean?" She asked, puzzled.
    "Come on! Really? How dumb are you? I was the cause for all the bad things going on around here."
    "For Carter?" She asked, with the fear in her skyrocketing.
    "Yep. And Lucas killing himself made my job ten times easier!"
    "What do you mean?"
    "Well I had to get rid of him too! Bt he did it for me! And the best thing is that Mason thinks it's all your fault! Mr. Trevor..." Owen began to say but was cut off by Ella.
    "...thinks I'm crazy, and Rachel?"
    "Oh that was priceless! Watching your whole friendship unravel, I wish I had popcorn for that! I love to see relationships fail!" Owen stated.
    "But how long have you been doing this to me?" Ella stated.
    "Every since I killed Marty."
    "Wait you were the 'thing' that I saw? On the tv?" Ella asked with the tears in her eyes.
    "Don't you catch on fast! It only took you, what, a few months?"
    "Did you..." Ella began to ask bt was cut off by Owen.
    "Kill anyone after that? Why yes! A sweet old lady you used to live with named Mrs. Debby, I believe?" Owen stated as he began to shake his head. "Such a shame to see her go, but so much fun at the same time!" He exclaimed.
    "But why are you doing this?"
    "You see..." Owen paused. "It gets very lonely in the afterlife. I wanted some friends, but everyone I killed rejected me." Owen stated filling with rage. "Then I thought of something. If everyone I killed rejected me. Then maybe if someone killed themselves, then maybe they would want to be my friend!"
    "Are you out of your mind?"
    "A little!" Owen laughed.
    "Anyways, why does this have any relevance to me?"
    "Glad you asked!" Owen replied, snapping his fingers. Three items appeared in front of Ella. A pill bottle, a loaded gun, and a chair with a rope. "Pick one." One demanded.
    "You heard me. Pick one."
    "What am I supposed to do with it?"
    "Ugh!" Owen complained. "Do I have to spell everything out for you? You are going to come to the afterlife with me."
    "And what makes you think I want to do that?"
    "Why don't we recap. Everyone in the orphanage thinks you bad news. The kids run in fear. The workers think you're crazy. Lucas and Carter are dead because of you..." He began to say but was cut off by Ella.
    "No! Because of you!"
    "That's not what they think! Mason will never forgive you. Rachel, you can kiss her goodbye! After what happened today, she will never forgive you!" Owen stated.
    Ella began to fill with sadness again. Maybe she should do it? It will be easy. She doesn't have anyone. Nothing can get better from today. Ella thoughts about these things and began to reach towards the gun.
    But then she stopped, she thought about all the positive things that happened in her life and all the things her future holds.
    "Well...what are you waiting for? An invitation? Grab it!" He commanded.
    Ella sat there in silence for a few minutes. Owen then came up to her ear and whispered, "Just do it. It's so easy!"
    Ella then backed away. "No."
    "Come on! Don't you want to be with your dad?" Owen paused for a moment. "Or should I say our dad?"

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