Chapter 18: Funeral Gone Wrong

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The next morning, Ella, Mason, and Rachel were up early getting ready for the funeral. The three kids threw on the nicest clothes they owned and headed down the the entrance of the orphanage to meet Mr. Trevor.
He noticed them and put a small smile on his face. "Ready to go?"
"Sure." Mason replied quietly.
They all walked outside and got into Mr. Trevor's car.
"Wait. So where exactly is the church we are going to?" Rachel asked.
"St. Jeanne Church." Mr. Trevor stated.
"I don't know where that is." Rachel replied.
"It's at the end of the street. It the church with that huge stained glass window of Mary."
"Oh! I know where that is!" Rachel concluded.
Less than five minutes later, they arrived. The church was old, with white paint chipping off some of the walls. It clearly hasn't been used in a few years. The parking lot had faded lines and a few weeds appearing out of the cracks in the cement. The building itself was smaller than most churches. It had two doors in the front and two doors on the one side. Also on the front of the church was a ginormous, faded stained glass window of Mary. The three kids looked around at their surroundings.
"Mr. Trevor? When was the last time they used this place?" Ella asked.
"I believe they have mass here every Friday morning at 9 a.m."
"Are you sure? Because it looks like they haven't touched this place in ten years!" Mason added.
"Maybe they are going to fix it this summer." Mr. Trevor concluded as he pulled into a parking spot. Next to them were some police cars and a few random cars. Near the entrance of the church, two hearses pulled up, one for Lucas, and one for Carter. Tears already began to form in the children's eyes.
"Let's go kids." Mr. Trevor politely stated as he gestured towards the doors of the church. Then they looked up at him.
"Kids. I know this going to be hard, but the twins would have wanted this. They would have wanted you to be there for them and to not see you three sad. Afterwards, we can go for ice cream to cheer you up. How does that sound?" He asked them.
Then they all put on little smiles and walked into the church. Up on the altar were two coffins. Around them were beautiful flower arrangements. There were only four rows of pews and they were circles around the altar. Each column had five pews in it. Since the pews were so small, only two to three people could sit on them. On the right of the altar, there was a little room, obviously for where the priest got ready. After the kids looked around, they took their seats. The first column was taken up by police, with Detective Judy sitting in the first pew. In the second row sat Mr. Trevor and the kids. The rest were occupied by people they have ever met.
A few moments later, the funeral commenced. There were many tears from the children, Mr. Trevor said a few things. And before they knew it, Lucas and Carter were being packed up and being taken to the cemetery. Mr. Trevor was about to leave with the kids, but Detective Judy stopped them.
"Mr. Trevor?" She asked.
He stopped and turned around. "Yes?"
"Can I see Ella please?"
"Absolutely!" He replied as he walked Ella over to her. "We will be in the car when you are done." He told Ella and headed out the doors with Mason and Rachel.
"Is there something wrong?" Ella asked the detective.
"Did you know anyone named Max?"
"I met a police officer named Max when I was 10."
"That officer was my brother."
"Oh cool! What a coincidence!" Ella exclaimed putting a smile on her face.
Then, behind Ella so she couldn't see him, Owen appeared.
"The shows about to begin in 5..." Owen stated to himself but Ella couldn't hear him.
"Well Officer Max died on his way home from dropping you off at the orphanage." Judy uttered in a sad tone.
"Oh no! That's terrible! I am so sorry!" Ella gasps as she put her hands over her mouth.
"I remember that...4...3..." Owen stated.
"I just wanted to ask you if you knew anything about that?" Judy stated.
"I didn't know anything until right now."
"1. Show time!" Owen smiled.
All of a sudden, Detective Judy's heart stopped. Ella noticed something was wrong right away.
"My work here is done." Owen stated then disappeared.
"Detective? Are you okay?" Ella asked with the fear in her rising.
"" The detective concluded as she fell on the ground.
Ella immediately panicked. "I need help! Please! She isn't waking up!"
Almost everyone had already left to go to the cemetery, except for one. He was Detective Judy's fiance. He heard Ella's cries and ran over to her.
"Sweety! What happened?" He asked as he bent down towards her.
"I was talking to her and then she fainted." Ella told him.
He felt for a pulse. Nothing. "We need an ambulance. Now!" He concluded as he got out his phone called for help.
Minutes later, the ambulance arrived in the parking lot. Mr. Trevor, Rachel, and Mason were all sitting in the car when it happened.
"What's taking her so long?" Mason whined.
"Uh I think I know why."Rachel stated as she pointed out the window.
Mason and Mr. Trevor looked out the window to see the commotion.
"Ella." Mr. Trevor stated as he got out of the car and ran towards the building. Mason and Rachel followed.
The three of them bursted through the doors. They saw Ella, covering her mouth, with tears streaming down her face. Detective Judy was being lifted on to the stretcher. The other officer followed her outside. Then the three ran up to Ella.
"Ella! What did you do this time?" Mason asked.
"Nothing! We were just talking and then all of a sudden she fainted. I called out for help and he came by to call an ambulance." Ella stated and pointed at the man by Judy.
Mr. Trevor ran over to him. "Sir what happened?" he asked.
"She fainted. But he got her just in time. She should be okay, thanks to that girl over there." He stated, pointing to Ella.
"That's good. Do you need any help with anything? Mr. Trevor asked.
"Just head down to the cemetery and tell them that Detective Judy and I will be okay. And tell that little girl I said thank you for her help."
"You got it!" Mr. Trevor concluded and went back to the kids.
"Let's get in the car." He told him and began to walk towards the door.
"Wait! Ella's not in trouble? She probably caused it." Mason uttered.
"Oh would you give it a rest al..." Rachel began to say but was cut off by Mr. Trevor.
"That's enough fighting!" He announced. "Actually, the officer wanted to thank Ella for her help. She did a smart thing and got help."
"So she didn't kill someone again?" Mason antagonised.
"Mason!" Mr. Trevor snapped at him. Then he took a few deep breaths before he spoke again. "Let's head to the car." Then the four of them walked out of the church and headed to their car.
"We have to make a stop before we can get ice cream." Mr. Trevor stated as he put his seat belt on.
"What's that?" Ella asked.
"It's the cemetery. I have to tell the officers that Judy is okay."
A half hour later, they arrived at the cemetery. Mr. Trevor spotted the cop cars and parked his car next to them. "Stay in the car. I will be back in a second." He told the kids and shut the door.
"Mr. Trevor!" One of the officers greeted him.
"Hello, officer!" He replied.
"What can I do for you?" The officer asked.
"I was told by another officer to let you guys know what's going on with Detective Judy."
"What happened?"
"Well, she was talking to one of my kids and all of a sudden she fainted. She is on her way to the hospital right now with another officer. He told me to tell you guys that she will be fine."
"Thank you. I appreciate you telling me this."
"You're welcome." Mr. Trevor stated. He paused for a moment. "Can you have them call me when they find out if she is going to be okay?" he asked
"Absolutely! Have a nice day!" The officer concluded waving goodbye.
"Bye!" Mr. Trevor concluded as he got into his car.
Then he looked back at the kids. "Who's ready for some ice cream?"

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