Chapter 14: Bad News

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The four of them sat there in silence for a few seconds.
"I am going to go back to my room now." Mason stated as he walk out of the room.
"Awe! Fight's over?" Owen whined.
"Okay. Let us know when you find out anything about Carter." Rachel replied as she waved goodbye.
"Let's go see what's for dinner tonight." Rachel uttered.
"You go. I am going to stay here for a little." Ella said.
"Don't let Mason get to you." Rachel concluded as she walked out of the room.
Ella waited until she couldn't hear Rachel's footsteps anymore before she began to speak. "What is wrong with you?" She yelled at Owen, who was sitting on his bed.
"Nothing. I just thought there was going to be a fight and I brought popcorn." He replied as he held up the bag of popcorn.
"This was not at all funny! Someone is dying!"
"And that's bad because?" Owen stated, clearly not knowing how drastic this situation is.
"...Owen..." She began to say. " old were you when you died?"
All of a sudden, Owen put down his snack, and replied. "...I...I only lived for a few hours."
"So that's why you don't understand this whole 'life' thing. You never experienced it." Ella announced.
"So can you tell me what's going on between you and those other kids."
"Well...the one kid...that you made me have a conversation with..." Ella exclaimed angrily as she shot him a glare. "He's not doing well because he was in that abandoned hallway for who knows how long. They say that he might have inhaled something which is hurting him."
"I still don't understand why you guys are making such a big deal out of this. They didn't make a big deal out of it when I died."
Ella was silent for a few moments. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Owen."
"It's fine." Owen concluded as Rachel walked back in the room.
"Ella!" Rachel shouted.
"What?" Ella replied a little startled.
"They are having tacos for dinner!" She exclaimed.
"Rachel! You scared me! And it was about tacos!"
"And your point is? Come on! Let's go get in line!" Rachel concluded as she grabbed Ella's hand and ran out of the room.
After they had their dinner, they left the cafeteria, and headed back to their room. While on their way, Ella stopped.
"Hey, Rachel?"
"Yeah?" She replied.
"I am going to go check on Mason."
"Okay. I am going to go get ready for bed." Rachel concluded as she walked back to her room and Ella walked to Mason's room. When she arrived there, he was sitting outside his door, hugging his knees. Ella ran up to him.
"Mason? Are you okay?" She asked.
"Lucas came back with Mr. Trevor a few minutes ago." He stated as he lifted up his head. His eyes were all red and puffy, clearly from crying. Ella had a few tears in her eyes as soon as she saw his face.
"How's Carter?" She asked.
"He's okay...for now. Lucas told me he hasn't woken up yet. He's also on a ventilator, which is something to help him breathe. The doctor said if he isn't awake or breathing by himself in two weeks," Mason stated before he bursted into tears.
Ella began to cry too. "Mason listen to me. Everything will be okay."
"How would you know?" Mason stated in a defensive tone. "Did you little ghost friend tell you that?"
"No! Mason..." She began to say but was cut off.
"How are you so sure everything will be okay?"
"Right now, everything's not okay. In fact, everything is the opposite of okay. Carter is in the hospital, Lucas is in our room contemplating life right now, you're talking to the air..."
"I am not!"
"Then prove it! If you aren't crazy, and you can talk to this 'Owen' character, make him fix Carter. Have him bring him back to us, safely."
"Fine! I will talk to him and try to get him to help Carter."
"Then start working." Mason concluded as he stood up and walked away.
Ella then put her ear against the door to their room. She heard Lucas inside, crying.
"I am going to try to fix this." She told herself as she headed back to her room.
When she got back to her room, it was almost 11p.m. Rachel was already asleep so she had to talk to Owen outside in the hallway.
"Owen!" She called out in the hallway. A few seconds later, he appeared.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"Quick question. Can you help people get better, for example, Carter?" She asked.
"Yeah! I can absolutely help you Ella!" He exclaimed. "What do you need done for him?"
"He need to be breathing well on his own and be awake." She told him. "And if there is any disease in him, can you get rid of it?"
"Definitely! I will do it right now!" Owen stated as he disappeared.
Ella was ecstatic! She had to tell everyone! So that's what she did.
"Rachel! Owen is going to help Carter!" She shouted.
"Ella that's great but...who's Owen?" She replied sleepily.
"Just a friend." She stated as she ran down the hall towards Mason and Lucas' room. Once she got there, she knocked on their door.
A few moments later, Mason answered the door. "Ella. What is it?" He asked in an irritated tone.
"I got Owen to help Carter!" She exclaimed.
Mason's face light up with joy. He opened the door fully to let Ella in. She ran over to Lucas and told him the news.
"Lucas! Owen is going help Carter come back!" She announced.
"Really?" He asked her is disbelief.
"Yes really!"
"Lucas. Think about it. If Ella really has been talking to this ghost, Owen, the whole time, then.." Mason stated before he was cut off.
"Then he really is going to bring Carter back!" Lucas exclaimed, with a few tears of joy in his eyes. "Thank you!" He concluded as he hugged Ella.
"Well I better be getting to bed now. See you guys in the morning!" She said as she walked out of the room.
"Bye!" The two boys said in unision.
Once Ella got to her room, she changed and got into bed.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Owen was going in and out of each room, looking for Carter. Finally he reached his room, room #114. The number of the room reminded him of a day, a day he hated the most. He opened the door and saw Carter hooked up to all these machines.
"This is going to be easy." He said with a malicious grin on his face.
"Let me just turn off all of these..." He said as he went to each monitor and turned them all off. Once they were all off, he looked at Carter's pale body on the hospital bed.
"There is just one thing left to do." Owen spoke as he went into Carter's body, and stopped his heart.
Once he left his body, he saw Carter's spirit drift away.
"Tell my brother that I will miss him." Carter concluded as he disappeared.
Owen looked back down at the body.
"1 down. 2 to go."

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