Chapter 16: Detective

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"This can't be happening." Ella tried to convince herself. "This can't be happening."
Once Ella noticed that Mason was done talking to the detective, she ran over to him, hoping to get some answers. "Mason! What happened?" She questioned.
"I don't know!" He sobbed. "I was sitting outside the door after you left, and I didn't hear him inside the room. I asked him if he was okay, and he didn't respond. I opened the door and found him that!" Mason cried.
"I am so sorry, Mason." Ella said as she went in for a hug to comfort the boy, be he declined.
"Get off me! If it wasn't for your big mouth and your friend, I would still have both of my friends." Mason stated as he shoved her against the wall.
Mr. Trevor noticed them fighting and went over to them right away. "Mason! Ella! What is going on here?" He asked, enraged about the whole dilemma.
"He is blaming me for the twins' deaths!" Ella announced.
"Mason! You know very well that none of us here had anything to do with these unfortunate deaths." Mr. Trevor stated, backing up Ella.
"But she did! She told everyone that 'Owen' was going to bring back Carter, but he didn't!" Mason accused Ella.
Then, to make matters more complicated than before, a detective overheard their conversation, and joined in. "What is it about someone bring a sick child back?" She asked.
"Oh it's nothing. This on here just has an overactive ima..." Mr. Trevor began to say but was then cut off by Mason.
"Owen! His name is Owen!" Mason exclaimed.
"Tell me more about this 'Owen'." The detective asked.
"Ella, which is this girl right here, claims to have this 'ghost friend' named Owen. The other night, when Carter was in the hospital, Ella came to us and told Lucas and I that her friend, Owen, was going to bring Carter back home in a few days." Mason explained.
"But he was dead the next day?" The detective asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Now let me talk to the girl." The detective stated as she went up to Ella.
"So you're Ella?" She asked.
"Nice to meet you, Ella. I'm Detective Judy." She stated as she held out her hand.
"Nice to meet you too." Ella replied shyly as she shook her hand.
"So, Ella, your friend over here says that you can see ghosts?"
"I don't think all ghosts. Just Owen." She stated.
"Hmm. Can you tell me about Owen?"
"Sure. He's really nice and also shy around new people. But he's a good friend and would never, and I mean never, hurt anyone."
"Has he ever tried to contact anyone here?"
"None that I know of." Ella replied.
"How many other kids know about Owen?" Judy asked.
"Almost the whole orphanage!" Mason interrupted. "There are also many rumors about her and Owen." He concluded.
"Ella? Did you know about the rumors?"
"I found out about them today." She replied softly.
"What are they about?" The detective asked.
"Well...some say that the reason why Carter was in the hospital was because of me and 'Owen' is just a character to cover up all the strange things that happen...but they are wrong! I didn't put Carter in the hospital and neither did Owen!" Ella protested.
"I believe you sweety. But there is just one thing left that is unanswered. How come Owen didn't save him?"
"When he got there, it was already too late. When I saw him in the morning, he told me that he saved him, but when I heard that he was gone, I figured that Owen didn't make it there on time and lied to us so that our feelings wouldn't be hurt." She stated.
"Okay. That solves it." The detective stated as she shut her little notebook and walked away.
"Wait! That's it? You're going to believe one little story and use that as your only proof? There has to be more to this than an accidental 'he didn't make it there on time'." Mason announced.
"You would make a great detective when you get older, you know that?" She told him.
"Yes. Yes I do." He said as he put his hands on his hips.
"Well, you say that his brother passed away?" Detective Judy asked as she pointed to Lucas' body, which was now covered on the stretcher.
"Yes." Ella replied.
"That explains his death. He couldn't handle being alive without his brother, so he rather be dead with him." She said.
"Aren't you dark?" Mason told Judy.
"Kid. I have been in this business for ten years. I have said darker things." She told him as she and the rest of the cops and paramedics walked back towards the entrance of the orphanage.
"Is there going to be funeral for the twins?" Ella asked.
"There is going to be one tomorrow, at the church down the street. Then we will take them to the cemetery to have them buried." She told her as she motion for the paramedics to take Lucas' body outside and into the ambulance.
"Are we allowed to go?" Mason asked.
"As long as it's okay with Mr. Trevor." Judy replied.
"It's okay with me." He stated.
"Good. I will see you three there tomorrow morning at 10:30." Detective Judy concluded as she walked out of the building.
"Ella?" Mr. Trevor asked.
"Yes?" She replied.
"Since Mason's room is technically a crime scene at the moment, he is going to need a place to sleep for right now. Can he sleep in your room? You do have an extra bed in there." Mr. Trevor said.
"Sur...." Ella began to reply but was cut off.
"No! No way am I going to sleep in her room!" Mason exclaimed.
"Mason, for right now, we have no other room for you. You are just going to half to deal with it for one night." Mr Trevor told him.
"Ugh! Fine!" Mason whined.
"Thank you! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make a phone call." Mr. Trevor concluded as he walked back to his office.
"Let's head down to my room and get you set up for tonight." Ella told Mason.
"Okay. But it's only for tonight." Mason told her.
"I know. Come on. Let's go." She stated. Then the two walked down the hallway towards Ella and Rachel's room.

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