Chapter 8: Mason, Lucas, and Carter

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    Everyone was outside of the building, asking each other if they knew what happened. A few moments later, Mr. Trevor walks out of the facility and outside to the children.
    "Okay, so, is everyone here?" Mr. Trevor asked.
    "Yes." Said most of the children.
    "NO!" Shouts the one kid.
    "Who said no?" Mr. Trevor asked. Then right after he did, Ella came to the front of the group.
    "I did!" Ella shouts. "I can't find my friend Owen! He seems to...." Ella began to state then realized that Owen can be seen by no one. For if she continued to talk about an "Owen" kid, she might get teased or worse...
    "Who is Owen?" Mr. Trevor asked.
    " stuffed animal rabbit!" Ella uttered.
    A few kids laughed at the statement.
    "Ella, the firemen will be here any second and as soon as they deal with the fire in the kitchen, you can go and get your...." Mr. Trevor began to state before he realized something.
    "Weren't you in the kitchen with Rachel when the fire started?" He asked.
    "Go get Rachel and come right back here. You two might be in huge trouble."
    Ella went back into the crowd to find Rachel, but was stopped by three boys the same age as her. Everyone in the orphanage knew they weren't the ones to mess with. Their name's are Mason, Lucas, and Carter. The reason why they treat people so badly is because they came from bad homes.
Mason was adopted when he was a baby, but the parents he went home with weren't the nicest. They were fine at first, but as soon as he turned five, everything went downhill. His mom and dad began to fight, constantly. But one day, when he was seven years old, his father killed himself. His mother couldn't handle it, so she took all her frustration out on him. A few months later, someone at school noticed the scars on his arms and legs and called the police. On that very same day, he was sent here.
Lucas and Carter had very similar back stories. That's because they are twins. Their mom and dad were very poor and couldn't afford much at all. Then one day their mom found out she was pregnant with not only one but two babies. When their mom and dad found out they were going to have twins, they didn't know how to take care of them. Having one was going to be a struggle, but two? They had to resort to the only thing they could do. Steal. They had to steal money from people's homes and stores, just to afford to take care of the two. And their method worked, but only for a short time. About three years later after they were born, the cops came to arrest them. But since their parents were frightened, their mom went to go protect them while the dad went to go reach for his gun. But as he did, the police shot his down, dead. They arrested their mom, and they had to go to Ms. Sally's Orphanage. They have almost been adopted a few times when they were younger, but once the adult found out that if you took the one you would have to take the other, they said no. Then the two found Mason and they have been friends ever since.
"Where do you think you're going?" Lucas stated as he put his arm in front of Ella.
"I am going to go get Rachel!" Ella sassed.
"Ha! Once Mr. Trevor figures out that you two were the cause of the fire, you guys will be out of here for sure!" Mason joined in.
    Rachel was looking in the crowd of kids to find Ella, when she noticed the three boys yelling at the one person she was looking for.
"But it wasn't our fault!" Rachel cut in.
"Oh, looky here! It's the two losers who started this whole thing." Carter shouted, which got the rest of the kid's attentions on them.
"We told you!" Ella shouted.
"It wasn't our fault!" Rachel concluded.
"Then who was it?" Mason asked.
"No one's!" Rachel uttered back as her hands turned into fists at the amount of anger between the kids.
"Hey Ella! If you and Rachel not to blame here, then who is?" Lucas stated.
"No one!" The two shouted.
"Are you sure? Because I believe that there is someone missing for this equation." Carter said.
"You know what, Carter? I think you're right! Isn't his name...Owen?" Mason asked.

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