Chapter 12: Missing Twin

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"We have to find my brother!" Lucas announced.
"Okay! Calm down! He couldn't have gone far." Rachel stated as the four walked out of the room.
"This is all Ms. Crazy's fault!" Mason exclaimed.
"How is it my fault?" Ella asked.
"You were they last one to see him!" Lucas joined in.
"And your point is?" Rachel asked.
"You should know where he went!" Lucas blurted out.
"Well I didn't! So it isn't my fault!" Ella confirmed.
"Do you have any idea as to where he might have gone?" Mason asked Lucas.
"Let's check our room." Lucas answered as the four kids ran down the hall. Once they reached the room, Mason opened the door. No one was in there.
"Not in here!" Lucas shouted, beginning to panic.
"Where else could he be?" Rachel asked.
"Let's split up." Mason stated.
"Good idea." Ella stated. "I will check the south wing of the orphanage, Rachel, you take north, Mason you take east, and Lucas, you take the west wing." Ella concluded.
"Okay! Let's go!" Rachel exclaimed as each kid left and went to search for Carter.
Meanwhile, Owen was back in Ella and Rachel's room, talking to himself.
"This girl...she's tough...but not for long...the process is only beginning...once those boys yell at her...they will go to Mr. Trevor...there's just one thing left to handle...Rachel..." Owen concluded to himself aloud.
"Owen! Have you seen Carter?" Ella asked bursting into the room.
He was startled for a minute but then responded. "No. Why?"
"Because we can't find him!" Ella stated leaving the room.
They searched everywhere when eventually...
"Carter! I've found you!" Lucas exclaimed as he finally found him, in the corner, of an abandoned hallway the orphanage hasn't used in over 5 years.
"Hey! Are you okay?" Lucas asked.
Carter didn't respond.
"Hold on. I am going to get the rest." Lucas exclaimed and he was off to find the others. Conveniently, they were all making their way back to where they started.
"Lucas! Did you find him?" Mason asked.
"Yeah I found him...but something is wrong... he isn't acting like himself." Lucas replied.
"Maybe crazy did something to him." Mason stated.
"Why is it always me? And I would never hurt anyone." Ella protested.
"Guys! Stop fighting for a few seconds please! My brother is in trouble!" Lucas cried.
"Like you're one to talk!" Rachel stated.
Lucas ignored it and the four ran back down the hallway. Then they got to the old hallway.
"Why are we here?" Rachel asked.
"This place hasn't been touched in years!" Mason exclaimed.
"He's down here." Lucas stated.
Then they eventually made it to the end of the hallway. In the corner, like last time, was Carter.
"Hey Carter! It's me! Are you okay?" Mason asked.
Carter lifted up his head. He looked like he was crying.
"Carter! What happened?" Lucas asked.
Carter then spotted Ella. As he did, his eyes widened.
"Get her away from me!" Carter screamed as he tried to get further back in the corner.
"Woah! Carter! Calm down!" Lucas stated, trying to calm down his brother.
"What did you do to him?!?" Mason shouted at Ella.
"Nothing! I promise!" Ella defended.
"Well, you obviously did something!" Rachel stated.
"Rachel! I didn't!" Ella uttered.
"It wasn't her!" Carter stated.
Everyone froze to look at Carter.
"...but it was at the same time..." he concluded.
"How does that make any sense?" Mason asked now annoyed.
"I know. I sound like I am crazy. But I am not! I want to say it was someone else...but it was her body..." Carter remarked.
All of a sudden, Ella finally remembered. "Owen." Ella mumbled. He is the reason why Carter is petrified right now. He also explains why Carter said it wasn't me but it was.
"What was that, Ella?" Lucas stated in an angry tone.
Ella had two options here. She could lie and say nothing or she can tell them what she really thinks what's going on...
"Owen. It was Owen!" Ella exclaimed.
"Ella! Now is not the time for jokes!" Rachel yelled.
"It's not a joke! The other day the boys weren't making stuff up! They were telling the truth! And I think it's time for me to come clean to you too!" Ella told Rachel.
"So she really is crazy after all!" Mason stated.
"No...she isn't...Owen...he is real...very real..." Carter stated weakly.
Carter! You're not thinking clearly! We have to get you help!" Lucas stated.
"Let's go!" Rachel stated as she and the other three ran down the hall and into Mr. Trevor's office.
"Mr. Trevor! It's me Lucas!"
Mr. Trevor opened the door. "Are you kids fighting again?" Mr. Trevor sounded irritated.
"No! It's Carter! Something's wrong!" Mason exclaimed.
Suddenly, Mr. Trevor was very worried. "Where is he?"
"He is in the west wing." Rachel uttered.
"In the abandoned hallway." Ella replied.
Then the five of them ran down to rescue Carter.

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