Chapter One

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Seoul Arts Academy, South Korea

I looked around helplessly with the academy map in my left hand and my brand new Iphone in the other. I have been wandering around for about 10 minutes already and yet I still couldn't find the main office.

Sighing in defeat, I immediately spotted an empty bench nearby and took a seat. My newly dyed brown hair which was damp by the time I exited my dorm this morning is now super dry from the heat.

I looked at my reflection on my brand new Iphone screen and for the first time ever, I didn't feel even a tiny bit insecure on how I look.

Since it was officially my first day at an elite academy ever since i dropped out of school 5 years ago, I decided to doll myself up so that I look presentable today. Mr Kim did mentioned about how the academy board were extremely strict when it comes to students appearances.

Patting my lap as I get up, I was about to continue my search when I heard the booming of a song from a room nearby.

Who the hell would turn up the music this loudly in such an early time?

Plus, since its so loud its no doubt the room was here somewhere.

Curiosity finally got the best of me as I immediately forgotten about the main office and began following the sound of music.

Listening more intently, I realized that it was Chandelier by Sia playing in the room. It's a nice song I must admit, but not so nice when its played on 6.00 in the morning.

There's a good reason as to why it was set as my alarm, trust me.

After a few minutes walking around and climbing a set of stairs, I found myself standing at the start of a corridor.

More like, a hall.

Is this even an academy? Why does it feels like I'm in a freaking mansion?

My eyes immediately zeroed to the large tinted glass door on my left. Putting my ear right beside it, I found that its not even locked and dared myself to take a peep through the small space.

Oh my.

I totally didn't expect that.

A while ago, I was busy thinking of how insensitive the person inside this room must be to play such loud and noisy music in the morning.

But here I am, having a hard time trying to take off my eyes from the delicious looking stranger.

The hot guy in question is currently dancing at the middle of the spacious room with such fluid movements that can make anyone's knees weak.

Like mine right now.

Wearing just a black tank top and grey sweatpants, beads of sweats can be seen forming on his forehead, followed by his muscled arms yet he make no effort to wipe them away.

His dark brown almost black hair is disheveled and damp, flying towards a lot of directions every time he moves.

But that's not exactly what got me rooted in place.

Its his expression.

Eyes tightly closed, his lips slightly parted as he let air flows through it.

Eyebrows furrowing now and then as he turned and slid across the marble floor.

Everything about it screams passion and as he did a 360 degrees back flip, trust me, I almost died right then right there.

Luckily I didn't.

I don't know what makes me do it, you could say that it was a spur-in-the-moment act but my right hand suddenly grabbed for my cell phone and before I knew it, I've got a clear photo of him in my gallery.

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