Chapter Twenty Six

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"Are you okay? Do we need to file a lawsuit anytime soon?"

I let out a muffled groan before swatting at Bambam's hands that were squishing my cheeks tightly.

"I'm fine guys. Its just a scratch, nothing else.", I said in an annoyed tone when he tried to make a grab for my face again.

After a super long dreaded weekend, I am back once again in the confines of the academy and its students. Only that instead of seeing an angry mob or receiving dirty looks like I first expected however, I was actually greeted with... nothing.


Its like the incident that Friday night has never happened at all.

Seriously, I walked into the hall with my roommates hot on my tail all ready to fight only to see everyone busy with their own businesses near the lockers.

At first I thought they were just going to ignore me and pretend like I didn't exist - you know the basic college shit - but then Mingyu, my friend from dance class greeted me as usual. Like its just another normal day.

Suffice to say, its very weird. And a little bit suspicious.

In fact I even almost believed that no one actually remembered about it anymore if it weren't for these guys that were currently invading my personal space.

"Are you sure? Because Jackson hyung has already contacted his lawyer this morning just in case.", Yugyeom urged beside me.

At the mention of his name, Jackson oppa who's currently munching on a chocolate muffin looked up to me for a brief moment, "Yeah, my lawyer said he's cool with it."

"What? I'm-"

"Oh and my dad also volunteered to have a talk with the head of SM.", Jinyoung oppa who just arrived with his food tray added before plopping down on the seat opposite me, his face dead serious.

"Uh I think-"

"And I've already prepared a list of serious pranks if you prefer lighter punishments."

I shot Bambam a funny look and shook my head furiously, "No no no, let's not do that. I'm fine now, see?", just to convince them, I moved my hair sideways to show them the barely even there lines on my neck.

I mean, the last thing I needed now is more attention. Its already a miracle itself that nobody has approached me with a set of handcuffs yet.

The guys just give me a skeptical look.

"Suuuure.", Yugyeom dragged the word while eyeing the side of my neck doubtfully.

I huffed exasperatedly at that and finally decided to focus on my food instead in hopes that they would let the subject go.

They didn't.

"But I've got to say though, you were totally cool that night.", Yugyeom said excitedly. 

"Oooh did you know that they now have developed a nickname for you? I think its Flying Lisa or something.", Bambam chimed in as he reached for a piece of french fry on my tray.

I didn't even bother stopping him and scrunched my face up, "Flying what? That's like the worst nickname ever."

"Hey hey don't make that face. You look ugly.", Jackson oppa pointed out with his fork directed towards me.

My expression doesn't change.

The other guys just snickered at that and began making a move to touch their food when something registered in my mind.

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