Chapter Six

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Author's Note: Shoutout to HendSayed641 for his/her entertaining comments!

Also HOLY SHIT GUYS I just realized that this book got ranked in the first place under the tag #Lalisa lol still can't brain it properly but its all thanks to you lovely people! And to think that there's so many of you now :')



Its been almost three weeks since I first started in this academy and I'm proud to say that I now don't need a map anymore to navigate through the place.

But I have to admit though, I still got lost sometimes. I mean, you can't blame me, the place's huge.

And now as I walk pass the hall, a few heads turned at me and smiled as a greeting with a few 'hey' from these two guys I recognized from one of my classes.

I smiled at them back as a courtesy before heading to my locker.

Last week all of us had gotten a notice from the academy that we are going to be able to head back home this weekend which I was informed a common thing that happens here. Apparently they let their students go home once a month.

I was so excited when I found out about it because I missed my mom so much and plus while I'm totally fine with everything at the moment, I still think that I kinda need a breather from these big changes that's happening to my life for a while.

I must admit that it does gets overwhelming at times.

Through these weeks, I had developed a little routine that I followed almost everyday here. In the weekdays, I would have breakfast with my roommates at a café nearby and then by lunch, I would hang out with Bambam and his friends. After classes, I would accompany Chaeyoung to her band practice in the music department or when I'm not in the mood for it I will just head back to the apartment and sleep.

During weekends is a different story. While all of the girls would hang out outside of the academy to shop and do their usual things, I would sneak into the dance department and practice new moves that I found in youtube. Sometimes I would even choreograph my own steps when I feel like it.

But I never dared to do it in the main dance studio where I saw Jungkook dancing though, for some reason the place gives me chills when I look at it.

Also speaking about Jungkook, the last time I interacted with him closely was in the dance studio and that's like three weeks ago. And he never went back to the jogging trail, I know it because I went there every week and has never saw him even once. Not that I care though, its not like he's my friend or anything.

I did had a few classes with the elites, so I have to see their faces every week and until now I still don't get why people worships them so much. Aside from isolating themselves away from other students in class, they did basically everything that every normal student do, so I don't understand exactly what's so different about them. Well, other than their excessive good looks and limitless inheritance obviously.

I shrugged the thought about them off as quickly as it came and opened my locker door to put in my books. I was about to close it back when I heard a faint sound of a girl crying somewhere.

Stepping back from the row of lockers, I turned my head to my right, where the voice sounds much more clearer and dared myself to walk closer.

As I was nearing the corner leading to the girls' washroom, I scanned the area around me to find it empty and continued my way there.

The girl was sobbing much louder now and I fastened my pace before finding myself in front of a familiar looking girl crouching near the sink. Her long brown hair falls everywhere around her face, hiding it from my sight while her hand was clutching something that looks like a letter.

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