Chapter Forty Three

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"So divulge in me young girl, what are the cards that you're holding right now?"

"I'm not telling you anything. And quit using that creepy ass old man voice."

Jimin snickered as he made a show of smugly scanning the deck of cards in his hands, "Why, if I didn't know any better, you sound exactly like someone who is about to lose."

I just rolled my eyes at his words before began pushing forward the stack of candies that I had collected from Jungkook and Taehyung earlier, "I'm all in."

He simply took one look at the large amount that I'm offering before flickering his eyes back towards his hand, and that's when I see it.


Seems like he's not so confident after all.

We were all lounging inside the guys' motel room after successfully finishing the poorly prepared instant noodles courtesy of my cooking skills or its lack thereof when Taehyung discovered an old stash of cards hidden under their bed.

Jungkook made a comment along the lines that it may be cursed but not a few seconds later he was the one who practically forced everyone to play together.

So here we are.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung had already accepted their fates long ago once they discovered that I am in fact very much experienced in the game. I mean, when you spent the better half of your life living in the streets, you pretty much learn to make friends with the other 'tenants' in order to survive.

Such as playing poker with the other homeless men for one single hotdog.

But obviously the other guys doesn't need to know that.

My eyes traveled across the room towards where both of them were sulking on the couch facing the small tv before smiling unconsciously at the sight.

"Yeah yeah, keep smiling while you can.", Jimin suddenly voiced out loud as he too started pushing his lollipops that were about to be mine forward to the space between us, "I'm in too.", he called.

I raised my eyebrows at his blatant confidence and watched while he turned over his cards with a smirk.

"Tada!", he yelled happily as he shoved the pieces in front of my face, "Its a full house, sucker! Now give me the candies."

When I made no move to pass him the food, he began narrowing his eyes at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

I simply continued staring at him while the smile on my face stretched wider, "You sure you don't wanna fold instead?"

"What? You're scared to admit defeat or something?"

"Nope, I'm just giving you a chance. Come on, bro.", I emphasized the last word as his eyes narrowed even further on me.

"If you're thinking that whatever psychology game you're playing would work on me, then you're wrong. I'm all in.", he huffed before crossing the both of his arms.

I can't help but roll my shoulders back in a pleased manner, "Well if you say so."

And then ever so slowly, I finally set my cards on the floor and turned them over.

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