Chapter Twenty One

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"Hey, you're Bambam right? From vocal class?"

I stiffened at the very much familiar voice from my right before quickly knocking myself out of it and nodded enthusiastically, my head still kept low.


If Jungkook sensed my nervousness he clearly didn't show it because he keeps on talking.

"Say, do you remember which symphony that Miss Oh asked us to revise on?", he asked as he slowly shuffled his feet closer to me.

Seriously? He wants to talk about homework when we have a race going in a few more minutes?

Plus the only song called symphony that I know is that one by Zara Larsson but clearly I'm not going to tell him that.

I bit my lips under the mask as I tried to come up with an answer.

"Uh... Number 5 I think?"


And then after a while I heard him made a low sound of acknowledgement, "I would have said thanks, but then the only class that we have together is piano lessons, not vocal."

The surprise registered in my mind just as I lifted my head to look at him in wariness, my eyes meeting his speculating ones.

His impassive face doesn't even change while he crossed both of his arms, "So care to tell me, what exactly are you doing here Lisa?"

"What- How-", I sputtered out in a low voice.

His eyes glanced down to my shoes in a split second before turning back up to mine.

Fuck, of course.

How the hell could I forget the fact that I'm wearing the exact same shoes that he borrowed to me this morning?

My brain was busy scrambling up for an answer as I continued staring at him in shock.

"Uh... Its a long story....", I finally managed out after a few seconds of composing myself under his deep scrutiny.

He just continued looking at me with a very unimpressed face and began opening his mouth to say something when someone blew the whistle.

Thank god for whistles and good timing.

Jungkook glanced at the bleachers for a second before shaking his head at me in disapproval, his body moving back to his former position.

"....always doing something crazy...."

I heard him mumble in a low voice but couldn't pay much attention towards it when this time the organizers shouted using the megaphone instead.

"All runners in position!"

Blinking my eyes slowly, I started getting my head back in the game and began crouching down while I focused solely at Yugyeom's back.

"Ready..... Set...... Go!!"

Someone blew the siren and the first runners started sprinting forward.

My eyes immediately followed Jinyoung oppa who's currently on the second place now, his legs obviously struggling to catch up with the red haired boy from the elites' team.

I silently cheered for him to keep on going as my ears began taking in the excessive screaming from the audiences on the bleachers, the word 'elites' being the most loud.

Glancing to my right, I saw Jungkook standing in the same position as mine except while I was busy sweating in anticipation and a little bit of nervousness, he on the other hand looked very calm like this was something that he had done everyday.

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