Chapter Seventeen

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I was busy stuffing my books into the locker when I noticed Chaeyoung practically skipping her way towards me, her knee length skirt flopping around carelessly before her hands immediately extended to smooth it back down and cover her little to no exposed skin.

"Lisa!", she exclaimed loudly, grabbing the attention of a few students nearby.

Raising my eyebrows at her, I continued sorting through my things quickly before making a move to shut the locker door, my fingers adjusting the bag strap on my shoulder.


"Are you free right now?", she questioned me as she began fiddling with the piece of paper in her hand.

I looked at it for a moment to realize that its some sort of student form which was already halfway filled out before glancing back at her.

"Yeah, why?"

At that, she lifted the form up right in front of my face, my eyes quickly catching the sentence that was typed in bold and capital letters.


Taking the form slowly from her, I scanned the piece of paper to see that her, Jennie and Jisoo unnie's name and their student IDs were already scrawled neatly upon it along with their pictures, leaving only one empty column beneath for me before finally reading the other information that's written in there.

"Remember the sports festival that we talked about that day? So like, they gave out the forms yesterday and I told Jisoo unnie to get one for us but she left it at the fried chicken restaurant so I had to take a new one this morning only to be informed that we had to hand it in before 12 pm!", she stopped to catch her breath.

After getting the sufficient amount of oxygen, she continued ranting about it as she struggled to reach for the zipper of her bag, "I mean ugh, seriously? Don't they ever consider to think about how packed our schedule as it is? I basically had to run to get it to you, you know?"

I nodded absently at her as my left hand automatically extended behind her to help with her zipper.

Its actually a common thing around here, I noticed. If there's one thing that all students here hate about the college, it would be how they always like to do everything fast.

A quick glance at my watch notified me that it's already 11.15 am by now and I had to resist the urge to heave a sigh.

Muttering a quick thanks to me, she handed me a single black ball point pen before continuing to express her dissatisfaction about the whole ordeal.

Just like any other college out there, our academy also holds a sports competition every year which I learnt was the most anticipated event by all students here.

You would think that these rich kids actually like competing for fun, but the real truth is that there's a whole another catch to it entirely.

Aside from getting extra marks for our curriculum records, winners for every single sports category, both boys and girls would get a chance to attend the famous annual gala ball which will be held in Gangnam city. You know it, the home of the rich.

Apparently they consider it as a golden chance for them to broaden their connections and gain a lot more recognitions as there would be many influential people at the ball; the best producers from around the world, various top notch artists, you name it.

I also learnt that my roommates have been competing in different categories over the years, but they never manage to win the first place due to a lot of mishaps that have happened in the past so imagine my surprise when they begged me to join their team for this year's game.

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