Chapter Nineteen

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I glanced at my wrist watch to see the time showing exactly 8.50 am, just one hour and a few minutes before the race as I sipped on my favourite chocolate milkshake that I bought from the cafeteria just now.

Instead of just wandering around and watch other ongoing games like the coach suggested, my roommates agreed that's its a good idea to just stay on the bleachers and save our energy much to my protest because I really can't stand sitting still and doing nothing for more than one minute.

And they also didn't allow me to go anywhere far either.

So ever since the past hour, I've made three trips to the cafeteria, one trip to the bathroom and also did a quick strolling around the track.

After that I had to spend the last thirty minutes listening to Jennie unnie and Chaeyoung arguing about who's gonna win today in the male category before the conservation took a 360 degree turn fully towards the elites and also the red haired boy that I saw with them just now, who I learnt was called Taeyong.

Man, how much I have to restrain myself from telling them the truth.

By now I think its safe to say that I already know how many past girlfriends they used to have along with their names, the number of fights that they have gotten in and also how they hate the foods from our cafeteria.

I know right?! I mean, I've tasted almost every single dish that the cafeteria served - minus the vegetables of course - and I must say that it could actually rank second in my personal choice after my mother's cooking.

Its just that good.

But then I remembered about the number of maids and home chefs in Mr Kim's home and sure enough, it actually makes sense.

These people were way too spoiled for their own good, seriously.

Shaking the drink container that's now empty, I slowly got up from my seat and made my way towards the trash bin nearby with the straw still between my lips.

I was busy crouching down that I only noticed the two boys sprinting my way when their bodies barreled into me from behind, knocking me off balance.


The feeling of cold wet liquid dripping down my shirt registered in my mind as soon as my bottom hit the ground. My eyes then followed the two boys as they passed by me while laughing their hearts out, not even caring about the fact that they just spilled something on me.

A few feet away from me, Jennie unnie shouted at the top of her lungs, "You assholes! You wanna die?!"

But the guys were already far ahead of us and from the sound of their joyous laughter, it doesn't seem that they heard her death threat either.

Sorry my ass.

Wiping away the white foam that's gotten onto my chin, I slowly got up and looked around to see people nearby us staring at me openly and not bothering to hide their amusement.

Some of them even had their phones up towards me.


I groaned inwardly as I turned my back to them and scanned the damage that had been done to my outfit.

My shirt which used to be white was now stained with sticky pink fluid which smells a lot like the strawberry frappucinno that they sold in the cafeteria and my pants were also soaked on my bottom area.

Thank God I chose the black one today.

"Are you okay?", I heard Jennie unnie ask somewhere near me.

I whipped my head around to see her skidding to a stop beside me, Chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie a few feet behind with worried looks on their faces.

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