The Warm Breeze of a Summer Afternoon Part 3

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Oliver gasped a little out of shock. He didn't understand why his friend told him this now. Was this the reason he felt down all the time? Because he had to spend his free time with the blonde boy even though he couldn't stand him. Oliver felt his heart stinging but tried to ignore it. He looked at Fukase who slowly looked up as well and Oliver saw how nervous Fukase was. His eyes sparkled a little and his lips were shaking. 

The blonde boy didn't understand what was going on. All this time he has been spending time with somebody who didn't like him, who hated him? He felt sick and wanted to stand up and go. He simply wanted to go away. But he suddenly felt something on his head and froze. He looked again at Fukase and saw that he wasn't wearing his hat anymore. Now he knew what was on his head and he widened his eyes. There was nobody that was allowed to wear Fukase's hat and now he even put it on Oliver's. Fukase looked at him as he was close to tears and bit his lip before he started talking again.

"I don't like you...not like that... I-I...I love you!"

Fukase nearly yelled the last part and left himself fall on the grass backward. He screamed and held his head.

"Ah, finally! Why am I such a fool?"

Oliver looked at Fukase who had a fight with himself apparently. He didn't really knew how to react. This confession confused him, but also filled him with happiness. He looked at Fukase who kept lying on his back with his eyes closed quietly before he hurried to his friend to hug him tight. Fukase gasped and flinched. He felt Oliver's arms nearly strangeling him and his head buried in his shirt. As Fukase noticed the situation he blushed wildly and hugged Oliver back hesitantly. His heart was pounding wild and he couldn't say anything, he was way too nervous.

"Is it true?", Oliver asked. "Is it that what bothered you all the time?"

Fukase stuttered and nodded nervously.

"Yeah, that's it."

Oliver buried his face even deeper in Fukase's shirt. The red haired boy didn't know how he should react. Was this some sign of acceptance?

"You know, Oliver. If you don't feel the same, I'm fine with that."

"Idiot, you're so clueless", Oliver giggled and looked up to face Fukase.

"I love you, too."

Fukase sat up immediately and Oliver sat next to him again. The red haired boy looked at Oliver in amazement. A wide smile appeared on his face and his eyes widened. He couldn't hold back his happiness. He finally told Oliver the truth and then he even got loved back. It was unbelieveable for him but still he wanted to be sure.

"Are you serious?", Fukase asked and Oliver nodded blushing deeply red.

Fukase hugged Oliver tight and couldn't stop smiling, also Oliver was happy that this feeling he had for long was not one-sided. Still one thing bothered him in this precious moment.

"Don't you ever hide something from me ever again", He demanded and Fukase nodded his head.

"I won't, I promise." He let go of Oliver to hold the face of the blonde one with his hands. Seeing the little boy blushing made him chuckle and he gave Oliver a peck on his forehead. He felt his face getting hotter but he ignored it. He finally got an answer, all this time he fought with himself for nothing. But now it was over and he could forget his doubts.

"Oh, and by the way, you look cute with that hat on."

He looked at his hat that was a little too big for Oliver's head and smiled. Also Oliver giggled and pushed the hat a bit back to see more.

It was a hot summer day when Fukase and Oliver finally told their feelings to each other. This changed their kind of relationship into something more and it would keep like that for a very long time.


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